Editorial board

Prof. Yan Xu

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: yxu@jiangnan.edu.cn
Interests: Microbiology, Fermentation engineering, Microbial ecology, Brewing microbiology Biomanufacturing
Website: http://en.biotech.jiangnan.edu.cn/info/1034/1210.htm 

Executive Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Long Liu

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: longliu@jiangnan.edu.cn
Interests: Synthetic biology, Metabolic engineering, Genetic circuits, Metabolic models, Nutraceuticals bioproduction
Website: http://en.biotech.jiangnan.edu.cn/info/1034/1138.htm 

Prof. Reeta Rani Singhania

PhD, Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability, Lucknow, India
Email: reetasinghania@gmail.com
Interests: Bioethanol production, Enzymatic conversion/treatment of cellulose/lignocellulose, Optimization of bioprocesses, Solid-state fermentation, Submerged fermentation
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Reeta-Singhania

Prof. Carlos Ricardo Soccol

PhD, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
Email: soccol@ufpr.br
Interests: Bioprocess Engineering, Industrial Biotechnology, Biorefinery, Circular Economy
Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7630-6864 

Editorial Board Members
Prof. Cristobal Noe Aguilar

PhD, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico
Email: cristobal.aguilar@uadec.edu.mx
Interests: Fermentation technology, Bioprocessing, Food Biotechnology, Waste valorization, Tannases
Website: https://bio-uadec.com/member/dr-cristobal-noe-aguilar-gonzalez/ 

Prof. Guocheng Du

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: gcdu@jiangnan.edu.cn, kegcdu@yahoo.com.cn
Interests: Metabolic engineering, Fermentation engineering, Enzyme technology
Website: http://en.biotech.jiangnan.edu.cn/info/1034/1124.htm 

Dr. Jeong Chan Joo

PhD, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Email: jcjoo@catholic.ac.kr
Interests: Protein engineering, Biocatalysis, Metabolic engineering

Prof. Susan Grace Karp

PhD, Federal University of Parana, Brazil
Email: susan.karp@ufpr.br
Interests: Food fermentation, Industrial enzymes, Bioprocesses
Website: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0001-7497-1641

Prof. Kashyap Kumar Dubey

PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Email: kashyapdubey@jnu.ac.in
Interests: Green biomanufacturing, Microbial process development, Waste-to-wealth
Website: https://jnu.ac.in/content/kashyapdubey 

Prof. Samir Kumar Khanal

PhD, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, United States
Email: khanal@hawaii.edu
Interests: Anaerobic digestion, Resource recovery, Bioenergy, Aquaponics, Biological waste treatment
Website: https://www.samirkkhanal.com/research 

Prof. Gopalkrishnan Kumar

PhD, University of Stavanger, Norway
Email: gopalakrishnanchml@gmail.com, gopalakrishnan.kumar@uis.no
Interests: Biohydrogen, Lignocellulose biorefinery, Algal biotechnology, Biofuels, Waste valorization
Website: https://yonsei.pure.elsevier.com/en/persons/gopalakrishnan-kumar 

Prof. Christian Larroche

PhD, Université Clermont Auvergne, France
Email: christian.larroche@uca.fr
Interests: Bioprocesses, Biofuels, Biotransformations, Biorefineries, Biomass
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-larroche-12987032/ 

Dr. Aravind Madhavan

PhD, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
Email: aravind7933@gmail.com
Interests: Microbial cell factory development, Metabolic engineering, Industrial Enzymes, Epigenetics, Microbial bioactives
Website: https://www.rgcb.res.in/scientist_team.php?fid=3 

Dr. Soumya Mukherjee

PhD, University of Toledo, United States
Email: soumya.mukherjee@utoledo.edu
Interests: Biofuel, Green chemistry, Microbial biotechnology, Molecular biology, Microbial genetics
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/soumya-mukherjee-101b364a/ 

Prof. Josef Maroušek

PhD, Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Email: marousek@fzt.jcu.cz
Interests: Nutrients, Biofuels, Algae, Bioeconomy, Machine learning
Website: https://is.vstecb.cz/person/marousek

Prof. Ye Ni

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: yni@jiangnan.edu.cn
Interests: Biocatalysis, Protein engineering, Enzyme evolution
Website: http://biocat.jiangnan.edu.cn/ 

Prof. Yao Nie

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: ynie@jiangnan.edu.cn
Interests: Enzymology,  Enzyme engineering, Protein engineering, Biocatalysis, Biotransformation
Website: http://biotech.jiangnan.edu.cn/szdw1/jzyg/zg1/ny1.htm 

Prof. Si Jae Park

PhD, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea
Email: parksjdr@gmail.com, parksj93@ewha.ac.kr
Interests: Metabolic engineering, Fermentation, Biorefinery, Biopolymers, Biochemicals 
Website: http://bcel.ewha.ac.kr/

Prof. Sunghoon Park

PhD, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Email: parksh@unist.ac.kr
Interests: Metabolic engineering, Synthetic biology, Microbial fermentation
Website: https://bcelab.unist.ac.kr/ 

Prof. Amit Rai

PhD, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, India
Email:  amitraikvs@gmail.com
Interests: Food Biotechnology, Food Bioprocess, Bioactive Peptides, Microbial Enzymes, Nutraceutical
Website: https://ibsd.gov.in/ibsd/home/index.php/people/profile/18 

Prof. Jeyaprakash Rajendhran

PhD, Madurai Kamaraj University, India
Email: jrajendhran@gmail.com
Interests: Microbial Genomics, Metagenomics, Industrial Microbiology, Genome Engineering, Microbiome Engineering
Website: https://mkuniversity.ac.in/new/school/sbs/raj.php 

Prof. Christopher V Rao

PhD, University of Illinois, United States
Email: cvrao@illinois.edu 
Interests: Systems biology, Metabolic engineering, Oleaginous yeast, Bioenergy, Metabolism
Website: https://chbe.illinois.edu/directory/profile/cvrao 

Prof. Zhiming Rao

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: raozhm@jiangnan.edu.cn
Interests: Metabolic engineering, Synthetic biology, Microbial biotechnology, Biological catalysis, Molecular biology and genetics of bacteria
Website: http://biotech.jiangnan.edu.cn/szdw1/jzyg/zg1/rzm.htm 

Dr. Chaitanya Reddy

PhD, University of Louisville, United States
Email: crchil03@louisville.edu
Interests: Food Biotechnology, Solid-state and submerged fermentation

Prof. Eldon Rene

PhD, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Netherlands
Email: e.raj@un-ihe.org
Interests: Bioreactor technology, Resource recovery, Wastewater treatment, Artificial intelligence in biomanufacturing, Microbial biotechnology
Website: https://www.un-ihe.org/eldon-raj 

Prof. Michael Sauer

PhD, OMV AG, Austria
Email: michael-sauer@posteo.at 
Interests: Industrial microbiology, Microbial Chemical production, Metabolic engineering, Membrane Transport, Lactic acid bacteria

Prof. Suren Singh

PhD, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Email: singhs@dut.ac.za
Interests: Fermentation Technology, Biocatalysis, Bioprocessing
Website: https://www.dut.ac.za/staff/prof-suren-singh/ 

Prof. Ranjna Sirohi

PhD, SKN Agriculture University, India  
Email: ranjnabce@gmail.com; ranjna@korea.ac.kr
Interests: Waste valorization, Microalgae cultivation, CO2 mitigation, Food Bioprocessing, Food Microbiology
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ranjna-Sirohi 

Prof. José António Couto Teixeira

PhD, University of Minho, Portugal
Email: jateixeira@deb.uminho.pt
Interests: Bioprocess engineering and bioreactors, Fermentation food engineering, Product fermentation and separation

Prof. Hoang Anh Tuan

PhD, Dong A University, Vietnam
Email: tuanha@donga.edu.vn
Interests: Biofuels, Biomass to chemicals and fuels, Waste Management

Dr. Mrudula V Ushasree

PhD, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Email: ushusbt@gmail.com
Interests: Industrial enzymes, Biocatalysis, Protein engineering, Natural products, Glycosyltransferases
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/nanobio-engineering-lab/members?authuser=0 

Prof. Volker F Wendisch

PhD, Bielefeld University, Germany
Email: volker.wendisch@uni-bielefeld.de
Interests: Amino acids, Corynebacterium, Carotenoids, Aromatic compounds
Website: https://www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/~wendisch

Prof. Mark Wilkins

PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States
Email: mwilkins3@unl.edu
Interests: Fermentation, Hydrolysis, Bioplastics, Lignocellulosic biomass
Website: https://bse.unl.edu/faculty/mark-wilkins 

Prof. Zhenghong Xu

PhD, Jiangnan University, China
Email: zhenghxu@jiangnan.edu.cn
Interests: Food biotechnology, Metabolic engineering
Website: http://biotech.jiangnan.edu.cn/szdw1/jzyg/zg1/xzh.htm 

Prof. Siming You

PhD, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Email: Siming.You@glasgow.ac.uk
Interests: Waste management design, System integration and optimization, Life cycle assessment, computing, Waste, Water
Website: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/engineering/staff/simingyou/ 

Prof. Yongjin Zhou

PhD, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China  
Email: zhouyongjin@dicp.ac.cn
Interests: Synthetic biology, Metabolic engineering, Industrial biotechnology, Methanol biotransformation, Yeast genetics
Website: http://www.synbc.dicp.ac.cn/info/1009/1321.htm 

Pubdate: 2024-08-27    Viewed: 35