Probiotic characterisation of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LO3 and use in the development of a golden apple-based non-dairy probiotic beverage
Edith Marius Foko Kouam, Laverdure Tchamani Piame, Sosthene Serrano Kouteu, Jules-Bocamdé Temgoua, François Zambou Ngoufack, Pierre Marie Kaktcham
Probiotic characterisation of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LO3 and use in the development of a golden apple-based non-dairy probiotic beverage
Probiotic foods, generally dairy-based, aren’t widely affordable in low-income countries. So it’s necessary to suggest suitable and accessible matrices for delivering probiotics.
This study aimed to assess the probiotic traits of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LO3 and its use in the development of a golden apple-based non-dairy probiotic beverage.
To this end, the probiotic and safety properties of Lact. plantarum LO3 were evaluated. Then, Lact. plantarum LO3 suspension was added to GaJ (≈ log 7.67 cfu) and stored at 4 and 30 °C. During storage, the proximate composition, the DPPH° activity as well as a sensory evaluation of the juice were performed.
As a result, Lact. plantarum LO3 has excellent viability (˃97%) in gastric and intestinal juices respectively, after 2 and 4 h. As for adhesive properties, the highest co-aggregations were recorded against Escherichia coli (23.43%) and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (22.05%). In the GaJ, except day 21, Lact. plantarum LO3 load was significantly (p˂0.05) higher than the initial load. Ascorbic acid content decreased over time, with minima recorded on day 30 (22.41 and 25.00 mg/100 ml) at 30 and 4 °C respectively. Furthermore, the highest DPPH° activities (EC50) were 90.05 and 94.56 µg/ml at 4 and 30 °C respectively. Carbohydrates and fibre contents decreased significantly (p˂0.05) with storage temperature. In terms of sensory attributes, Lact. plantarum LO3 had a positive effect on odour at 30 °C, while colour was better preserved at 4 °C.
This makes golden apple juice a suitable matrix for carrying the probiotic strain Lact. plantarum LO3 for consumers from the whole spectrum of social classes.
Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LO3 / Probiotic traits / Golden apple / Non-dairy probiotic beverage / Functional properties
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