A novel harmonic resonance prevention measure for railway power conditioner–network–train interaction system

Shaofeng Xie, Fan Zhong

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2025

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2025 DOI: 10.1007/s40534-024-00357-1

A novel harmonic resonance prevention measure for railway power conditioner–network–train interaction system

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The integration of a large number of power electronic converters, such as railway power conditioner (RPC), introduces a series of problems, including harmonic interaction, stability issues, and wideband resonance, into the railway power supply system. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel harmonic resonance prevention measure for RPC–network–train interaction system. Firstly, a harmonic model, a parallel resonance impedance model, a series resonance admittance model, and a control stability model are each established for the RPC–network–train interaction system. Secondly, a comprehensive resonance impact factor (CRIF) is proposed to efficiently and accurately identify the key components affecting resonance, and to provide the selection results of optimization parameters for resonance prevention. Next, the initially selected parameters are constrained by the requirements of ripple current, reactive power and stability. Subsequently, the impedance parameters (control parameters and filter parameters) of the RPC are optimized with the objective of reshaping the parallel resonance impedance and series resonance admittance of the RPC–network–train interaction system, ensuring the output current harmonics of RPC meet standards to achieve resonance prevention, while ensuring the stable operation of the RPC. Finally, the proposed resonance prevention measure is verified under both light load and heavy load conditions using a simulation platform and a hardware-in-the-loop experimental platform.

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Shaofeng Xie, Fan Zhong. A novel harmonic resonance prevention measure for railway power conditioner–network–train interaction system. Railway Engineering Science, 2025 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40534-024-00357-1


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(52277126); National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFB2303904)




