Measured dynamic load distribution within the in situ axlebox bearing of high-speed trains under polygonal wheel–rail excitation

Yu Hou, Xi Wang, Jiaqi Wei, Menghua Zhao, Wei Zhao, Huailong Shi, Chengyu Sha

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4) : 444-460.

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4) : 444-460. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-024-00344-6

Measured dynamic load distribution within the in situ axlebox bearing of high-speed trains under polygonal wheel–rail excitation

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The dynamic load distribution within in-service axlebox bearings of high-speed trains is crucial for the fatigue reliability assessment and forward design of axlebox bearings. This paper presents an in situ measurement of the dynamic load distribution in the four rows of two axlebox bearings on a bogie wheelset of a high-speed train under polygonal wheel–rail excitation. The measurement employed an improved strain-based method to measure the dynamic radial load distribution of roller bearings. The four rows of two axlebox bearings on a wheelset exhibited different ranges of loaded zones and different means of distributed loads. Besides, the mean value and standard deviation of measured roller–raceway contact loads showed non-monotonic variations with the frequency of wheel–rail excitation. The fatigue life of the four bearing rows under polygonal wheel–rail excitation was quantitatively predicted by compiling the measured roller–raceway contact load spectra of the most loaded position and considering the load spectra as input.

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Yu Hou, Xi Wang, Jiaqi Wei, Menghua Zhao, Wei Zhao, Huailong Shi, Chengyu Sha. Measured dynamic load distribution within the in situ axlebox bearing of high-speed trains under polygonal wheel–rail excitation. Railway Engineering Science, 2024, 32(4): 444‒460


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(12302238); National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFB3402904)




