NeTrainSim: a network-level simulator for modeling freight train longitudinal motion and energy consumption

Ahmed S. Aredah, Karim Fadhloun, Hesham A. Rakha

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4) : 480-498.

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4) : 480-498. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-024-00331-x

NeTrainSim: a network-level simulator for modeling freight train longitudinal motion and energy consumption

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Although train modeling research is vast, most available simulation tools are confined to city- or trip-scale analysis, primarily offering micro-level simulations of network segments. This paper addresses this void by developing the NeTrainSim simulator for heavy long-haul freight trains on a network of multiple intersecting tracks. The main objective of this simulator is to enable a comprehensive analysis of energy consumption and the associated carbon footprint for the entire train system. Four case studies were conducted to demonstrate the simulator’s performance. The first case study validates the model by comparing NeTrainSim output to empirical trajectory data. The results demonstrate that the simulated trajectory is precise enough to estimate the train energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The second application demonstrates the train-following model considering six trains following each other. The results showcase the model ability to maintain safe-following distances between successive trains. The next study highlights the simulator’s ability to resolve train conflicts for different scenarios. Finally, the suitability of the NeTrainSim for modeling realistic railroad networks is verified through the modeling of the entire US network and comparing alternative powertrains on the fleet energy consumption.

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Ahmed S. Aredah, Karim Fadhloun, Hesham A. Rakha. NeTrainSim: a network-level simulator for modeling freight train longitudinal motion and energy consumption. Railway Engineering Science, 2024, 32(4): 480‒498


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