Train post-derailment behaviours and containment methods: a review

Zhao Tang, Yuwei Hu, Shuangbu Wang, Liang Ling, Jianjun Zhang, Kaiyun Wang

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1) : 59-80.

Railway Engineering Science ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1) : 59-80. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-023-00313-5

Train post-derailment behaviours and containment methods: a review

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Railway accidents, particularly serious derailments, can lead to catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is essential to prevent derailment escalation to reduce the likelihood of severe derailments. Train post-derailment behaviours and containment methods play a critical role in preventing derailment escalation and providing passive safety protection and accident prevention in the event of a derailment. However, despite the increasing attention on this field from academia and industry in recent years, there is a lack of systematic exploration and summarization of emerging applications and containment methods in train post-derailment research. For this reason, this paper presents a comprehensive review of existing studies on train post-derailment behaviours, encompassing various topics such as post-derailment contact–impact models, dynamic modelling and simulation techniques, and the primary factors influencing post-derailment behaviours. Significantly, this review introduces and elucidates substitute guidance mechanisms (SGMs), which serve as railway-specific passive safety protection and accident prevention measures. The various types of SGMs are depicted, and their ongoing developments and applications are explored in depth. The review additionally points out several unresolved challenges including the adverse effects of SGMs, and proposes future research directions to advance the theoretical understanding and practical application of train post-derailment behaviours and containment methods. This review seeks to be a valuable reference for railway industry professionals in preventing catastrophic derailment consequences through post-derailment containment methods.


Railway passive safety / Railway accident prevention / Post-derailment behaviours / Substitute guidance mechanisms (SGMs) / Contact–impact model

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Zhao Tang, Yuwei Hu, Shuangbu Wang, Liang Ling, Jianjun Zhang, Kaiyun Wang. Train post-derailment behaviours and containment methods: a review. Railway Engineering Science, 2023, 32(1): 59‒80


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52172407); Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province(No.2022NSFSC0415)




