Structure of the catalytic domain of a state transition kinase homolog from Micromonas algae

  • 1. National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Received date: 28 Apr 2013

Accepted date: 27 May 2013

Published date: 01 Aug 2013


Under natural environments, plants and algae have evolved various photosynthetic acclimation mechanisms in response to the constantly changing light conditions. The state transition and long-term response processes in photosynthetic acclimation involve remodeling and composition alteration of thylakoid membrane. A chloroplast protein kinase named Stt7/STN7 has been found to have pivotal roles in both state transition and longterm response. Here we report the crystal structures of the kinase domain of a putative Stt7/STN7 homolog from Micromonas sp. RCC299 (MsStt7d) in the apo form and in complex with various nucleotide substrates. MsStt7d adopts a canonical protein kinase fold and contains all the essential residues at the active site. A novel hairpin motif, found to be a conserved feature of the Stt7/STN7 family and indispensable for the kinase stability, interacts with the activation loop and fi xes it in an active conformation. We have also demonstrated that MsStt7d is a dualspecifi city kinase that phosphorylates both Thr and Tyr residues. Moreover, preliminary in vitro data suggest that it might be capable of phosphorylating a consensus N-terminal pentapeptide of light-harvesting proteins Micromonas Lhcp4 and Arabidopsis Lhcb1 directly. The potential peptide/protein substrate binding site is predicted based on the location of a pseudo-substrate contributed by the adjacent molecule within the crystallographic dimer. The structural and biochemical data presented here provide a framework for an improved understanding on the role of Stt7/STN7 in photosynthetic acclimation.

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Jiangtao Guo, Xuepeng Wei, Mei Li, Xiaowei Pan, Wenrui Chang, Zhenfeng Liu . Structure of the catalytic domain of a state transition kinase homolog from Micromonas algae[J]. Protein & Cell, 0 , 4(8) : 607 -619 . DOI: 10.1007/s13238-013-3034-9


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