Phylogenomics of non-model ciliates based on transcriptomic analyses
Received date: 25 Dec 2014
Accepted date: 21 Jan 2015
Published date: 08 May 2015
Ciliates are one of the oldest living eukaryotic unicellular organisms, widely distributed in the waters around the world. As a typical marine oligotrich ciliate, Strombidium sulcatum plays an important role in marine food webs and energy flow. Here we report the first deep sequencing and analyses of RNA-Seq data from Strombidium sulcatum. We generated 42,640 unigenes with an N50 of 1,451 bp after de novo assembly and removing rRNA, mitochondrial and bacteria contaminants. We employed SPOCS to detect orthologs from S. sulcatum and 17 other ciliates, and then carried out the phylogenomic reconstruction using 127 single copy orthologs. In phylogenomic analyses, concatenated trees have similar topological structures with concordance tree on the class level. Together with phylogenetic networks analysis, it aroused more doubts about the placement of Protocruzia, Mesodinium and Myrionecta. While epiplasmic proteins are known to be related to morphological characteristics, we found the potential relationship between gene expression of epiplasmic proteins and morphological characteristics. This work supports the use of high throughput approaches for phylogenomic analysis as well as correlation analysis between expression level of target genes and morphological characteristics.
Key words: Strombidium; protozoa; transcriptome; non-model ciliate; phylogenomic analysis
Xiao Chen , Xiaolu Zhao , Xiaohui Liu , Alan Warren , Fangqing Zhao , Miao Miao . Phylogenomics of non-model ciliates based on transcriptomic analyses[J]. Protein & Cell, 2015 , 6(5) : 373 -385 . DOI: 10.1007/s13238-015-0147-3
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