The ubiquitin codes in cellular stress responses
Xiangpeng Sheng, Zhixiong Xia, Hanting Yang, Ronggui Hu
Protein Cell ›› 2024, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3) : 157-190.
The ubiquitin codes in cellular stress responses
Ubiquitination/ubiquitylation, one of the most fundamental post-translational modifications, regulates almost every critical cellular process in eukaryotes. Emerging evidence has shown that essential components of numerous biological processes undergo ubiquitination in mammalian cells upon exposure to diverse stresses, from exogenous factors to cellular reactions, causing a dazzling variety of functional consequences. Various forms of ubiquitin signals generated by ubiquitylation events in specific milieus, known as ubiquitin codes, constitute an intrinsic part of myriad cellular stress responses. These ubiquitination events, leading to proteolytic turnover of the substrates or just switch in functionality, initiate, regulate, or supervise multiple cellular stress-associated responses, supporting adaptation, homeostasis recovery, and survival of the stressed cells. In this review, we attempted to summarize the crucial roles of ubiquitination in response to different environmental and intracellular stresses, while discussing how stresses modulate the ubiquitin system. This review also updates the most recent advances in understanding ubiquitination machinery as well as different stress responses and discusses some important questions that may warrant future investigation.
ubiquitin / E3 ligase / environmental stresses / intercellular stresses / stress response / homeostasis
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