Primary cilia mediate Klf2-dependant Notch activation in regenerating heart

Xueyu Li, Qiang Lu, Yuanyuan Peng, Fang Geng, Xuelian Shao, Huili Zhou, Ying Cao, Ruilin Zhang

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Protein Cell ›› DOI: 10.1007/s13238-020-00695-w

Primary cilia mediate Klf2-dependant Notch activation in regenerating heart

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Unlike adult mammalian heart, zebrafish heart has a remarkable capacity to regenerate after injury. Previous study has shown Notch signaling activation in the endocardium is essential for regeneration of the myocardium and this activation is mediated by hemodynamic alteration after injury, however, the molecular mechanism has not been fully explored. In this study we demonstrated that blood flow change could be perceived and transmitted in a primary cilia dependent manner to control the hemodynamic responsive klf2 gene expression and subsequent activation of Notch signaling in the endocardium. First we showed that both homologues of human gene KLF2 in zebrafish, klf2a and klf2b, could respond to hemodynamic alteration and both were required for Notch signaling activation and heart regeneration. Further experiments indicated that the upregulation of klf2 gene expression was mediated by endocardial primary cilia. Overall, our findings reveal a novel aspect of mechanical shear stress signal in activating Notch pathway and regulating cardiac regeneration.


heart regeneration / hemodynamics / klf2 / Notch signaling / primary cilia

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Xueyu Li, Qiang Lu, Yuanyuan Peng, Fang Geng, Xuelian Shao, Huili Zhou, Ying Cao, Ruilin Zhang. Primary cilia mediate Klf2-dependant Notch activation in regenerating heart. Protein Cell,


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