Telomere-dependent and telomereindependent roles of RAP1 in regulating human stem cell homeostasis
Xing Zhang, Zunpeng Liu, Xiaoqian Liu, Si Wang, Yiyuan Zhang, Xiaojuan He, Shuhui Sun, Shuai Ma, Ng Shyh-Chang, Feng Liu, Qiang Wang, Xiaoqun Wang, Lin Liu, Weiqi Zhang, Moshi Song, Guang-Hui Liu, Jing Qu
Protein Cell ›› 2019, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (9) : 649-667.
Telomere-dependent and telomereindependent roles of RAP1 in regulating human stem cell homeostasis
RAP1 is a well-known telomere-binding protein, but its functions in human stem cells have remained unclear. Here we generated RAP1-deficient human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) by using CRISPR/Cas9 technique and obtained RAP1-deficient human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and neural stem cells (hNSCs) via direc- ted differentiation. In both hMSCs and hNSCs, RAP1 not only negatively regulated telomere length but also acted as a transcriptional regulator of RELN by tuning the methylation status of its gene promoter. RAP1 defi- ciency enhanced self-renewal and delayed senescence in hMSCs, but not in hNSCs, suggesting complicated lineage-specific effects of RAP1 in adult stem cells. Altogether, these results demonstrate for the first time that RAP1 plays both telomeric and nontelomeric roles in regulating human stem cell homeostasis.
RAP1 / stem cell / telomere / RELN / methylation
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