ERp44 C160S/C212S mutants regulate IP3R1 channel activity

Congyan Pan1, Ji Zheng2, Yanyun Wu1, Yingxiao Chen1, Likun Wang1, Zhansong Zhou2, Wenxuan Yin1(), Guangju Ji1()

Protein Cell ›› 2011, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (12) : 990-996.

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Protein Cell ›› 2011, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (12) : 990-996. DOI: 10.1007/s13238-011-1116-0

ERp44 C160S/C212S mutants regulate IP3R1 channel activity

  • Congyan Pan1, Ji Zheng2, Yanyun Wu1, Yingxiao Chen1, Likun Wang1, Zhansong Zhou2, Wenxuan Yin1(), Guangju Ji1()
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Previous studies have indicated that ERp44 inhibits inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-induced Ca2+ release (IICR) via IP3R1, but the mechanism remains largely unexplored. Using extracellular ATP to induce intracellular calcium transient as an IICR model, Ca2+ image, pull down assay, and Western blotting experiments were carried out in the present study. We found that extracellular ATP induced calcium transient via IP3Rs (IICR) and the IICR were markedly decreased in ERp44 over-expressed Hela cells. The inhibitory effect of C160S/C212S but not C29S/T396A/ΔT(331--377) mutants of ERp44 on IICR were significantly decreased compared with ERp44. However, the binding capacity of ERp44 to L3V domain of IP3R1 (1L3V) was enhanced by ERp44 C160S/C212S mutation. Taken together, these results suggest that the mutants of ERp44, C160/C212, can more tightly bind to IP3R1 but exhibit a weak inhibition of IP3R1 channel activity in Hela cells.


ERp44 / mutants / ATP / inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate (IP3) receptors / calcium transient

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Congyan Pan, Ji Zheng, Yanyun Wu, Yingxiao Chen, Likun Wang, Zhansong Zhou, Wenxuan Yin, Guangju Ji. ERp44 C160S/C212S mutants regulate IP3R1 channel activity. Prot Cell, 2011, 2(12): 990‒996


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