Guidelines for authors

Author Guidelines

1. Submission
2. Aims and Scope
3. Manuscript Categories and Requirements
4. Preparing the Submission
5. Editorial Policies and Ethical Considerations
6. Author Licensing
7. Publication Process after Acceptance
8. Post Publication
9. Editorial Office Contact Details



Authors should kindly note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.

Free Format submission

MedComm now offers Free Format submission for a simplified and streamlined submission process.

Before you submit, you will need:

  • Your manuscript: this should be an editable file including text, figures, and tables, or separate files – whichever you prefer. All required sections should be contained in your manuscript, including abstract (which does need to be correctly styled), introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Figures and tables should have legends. Figures should be uploaded in the highest resolution possible. If the figures are not of sufficiently high quality your manuscript may be delayed. References may be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript. Supporting information should be submitted in separate files. If the manuscript, figures or tables are difficult for you to read, they will also be difficult for the editors and reviewers, and the editorial office will send it back to you for revision. Your manuscript may also be sent back to you for revision if the quality of English language is poor.
  • An ORCID ID, freely available at (Why is this important? Your article, if accepted and published, will be attached to your ORCID profile. Institutions and funders are increasingly requiring authors to have ORCID IDs.)
  • The title page of the manuscript, including:
    • Your co-author details, including affiliation and email address. (Why is this important? We need to keep all co-authors informed of the outcome of the peer review process.)
    • Statements relating to our ethics and integrity policies, which may include any of the following (Why are these important? We need to uphold rigorous ethical standards for the research we consider for publication):
  • data availability statement
  • funding statement
  • conflict of interest disclosure
  • ethics approval statement
  • patient consent statement
  • permission to reproduce material from other sources
  • clinical trial registration

If you are invited to revise your manuscript after peer review, the journal will also request the revised manuscript to be formatted according to journal requirements, see details in Section 4. Preparing the Submission.

To submit, login at and create a new submission. Follow the submission steps as required and submit the manuscript.

Click here for more details on how to use ScholarOne.

Data protection:

By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary, sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. The publication and the publisher recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services, and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed. You can learn more at

Preprint policy:

Please find the Wiley preprint policy here.

This journal accepts article previously published on preprint servers.

MedComm will consider for review articles previously available as preprints. Authors are requested to update any pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article. Authors may also post the final published version of the article immediately after publication.

For help with submissions, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected]



MedComm is a peer-reviewed, online open access journal that publishes the pioneer works providing novel insights into all aspects of medicine on the basis of novelty, timeliness and significance on human health. The journal emphasizes on original findings that advances the understanding of pathogenesis or improves the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Interdisciplinary studies utilizing approaches of molecular biology, cell biology, chemistry, pharmacology or material science to address the issues of clinical, basic and translational medicines are particularly encouraged.

MedComm is interested in the topics including but not limited to clinical medicine, molecule diagnostics, epigenetics/genetics, cell biology, drug discovery, evolutionary medicine, nanotechnology or artificial intelligence. Clinical and experimental advances that provide the disease characteristics, pathogenic mechanism or medical techniques are focused by the journal.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Epigenetics, genomics, proteomics and metabonomics
  • Non-coding RNA in disease
  • Cell senescence and cell death
  • Cellular signal transduction
  • Gene therapy and Gene editing
  • Cancer immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Structural Biology, chemical genomics and drug discovery
  • High-definition imaging
  • Artificial intelligence in medicine
  • Stem cells and Regenerative medicine
  • Nanomedicine and drug delivery system
  • Early disease diagnosis and biomarkers
  • Clinical trials evaluating new treatments for cancer or other diseases


  • Original article is the full-length report of current research within any area covered in the journal’s scope, and aims to address novel findings and make significant contribution to the scientific knowledge in biomedical areas. Typically, the research will provide insight into an as yet unknown mechanism or poorly understood process, constitute a highly significant contribution to our understanding of biomedicine, and be of general interest to the biomedicine community. Research article will typically be 6000 words in length, with up to 8 figures and tables in total, and no limitation on the number of references.
  • Review is systematic review typically written by leading experts in the field within the journal’s scope. Reviews papers help specialists to keep up with the current state of knowledge in a specific research area and provide informative message for non-specialists. Reviews aim to be a critical and concise overview of the most recent advances in a specific research field. Reviews will typically be no limitation on words in length, with up to 8 figures and tables in total, and no limitation on the number of references.
  • Letter provides the rapid and concise report of a novel discovery that is brief in nature and should be of general interest to the field of biomedicine. Letters will typically be 1200 words in length excluding, references, figures and tables, with up to 1 figures and tables in total, and no more than 10 references.
  • Highlight aims to point the MedComm readership to the latest novel findings published in other high-impact journals. Highlight should contain no more than 1200 words in length excluding, references, figures and tables, up to 10 references. and 1 display item.
  • Editorials are the most important statement and opinions of global opinion leaders in relevant specialties and specially invited by the Editor, but unsolicited material may be considered. Please approach the Editorial Office ([email protected] or [email protected]) before submitting this material. Editorials have a limit of 1,000 words, with up to 2 figures and tables in total and no more than 5 references.
  • Perspectives discuss published findings and ideas from a personal viewpoint. They are more forward looking and /or speculative than Reviews. Perspectives can be submitted either by the invitations from the Editors or by the authors themselves. Both types will undergo the peer-review process prior to acceptance.  Perspectives are typically 3000 words in length, with up to 4 figures and tables in total and no more than 70 references.


Cover Letters

Cover letters are not mandatory; however, they may be supplied at the author’s discretion.

Parts of the Manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: main text file; figures.

Main Text File

The text file should be presented in the following order:

  1. A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations (see Wiley's best practice SEO tips);
  2. A short running title of less than 40 characters;
  3. The full names of the authors;
  4. The author's institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with   a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the       work was conducted;
  5. Acknowledgments;
  6. Abstract and keywords;
  7. Main text;
  8. References;
  9. Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);
  10. Figure legends;
  11. Appendices (if relevant).

Figures and supporting information should be supplied as separate files.

For the benefit of the reviewers and editors, please include line numbers in your main text files.


Please provide an abstract of 200 words containing the major keywords summarizing the article.


Please provide three to six keywords.

Main Text

  • The journal uses British/US spelling; however, authors may submit using either option, as spelling of accepted papers is converted during the production process.
  • Footnotes to the text are not allowed and any such material should be incorporated into the text as parenthetical matter

Methods and Materials

If a method or tool is introduced in the study, including software, questionnaires, and scales, the author should state the license this is available under and any requirement for permission for use. If an existing method or tool is used in the research, the authors are responsible for checking the license and obtaining the permission. If permission was required, a statement confirming permission should be included in the Methods and Materials section.


References should follow the AMA style, meaning all references should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance and should be as complete as possible. In-text citations should cite references in consecutive order using Arabic superscript numerals. For more information about AMA reference style please see the AMA Manual of Style. Sample references follow:

Journal article

1. Pan Q, Qin T, Gao Y, et al. Hepatic mTOR‐AKT2‐Insig2 signaling pathway contributes to the improvement of hepatic steatosis after Roux‐en-Y Gastric Bypass in mice. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2019;1865(3):525‐534. 

Journal article with no named author or group name

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Licensure of a meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Menveo) and guidance for use--Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2010. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2010;59(9):273.

Book Chapter

3. Guyton JL, Crockarell JR. Fractures of acetabulum and pelvis. In: Canale ST, ed.Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby, Inc; 2003:2939-2984.

Electronic Book

4. Rudolph CD, Rudolph AM. Rudolph's Pediatrics. 21st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies; 2002. . Accessed August 22, 2007.


Footnotes should be placed as a list at the end of the paper only, not at the foot of each page. They should be numbered in the list and referred to in the text with consecutive, superscript Arabic numerals. Keep footnotes brief; they should contain only short comments tangential to the main argument of the paper and should not include references.


Tables should be self-contained and complement, not duplicate, information contained in the text. They should be supplied as editable files, not pasted as images. Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the table, legend, and footnotes must be understandable without reference to the text. All abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. Footnote symbols: †, ‡, §, ¶, should be used (in that order) and *, **, *** should be reserved for P-values. Statistical measures such as SD or SEM should be identified in the headings.

Figure Legends

Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the figure and its legend must be understandable without reference to the text. Include definitions of any symbols used and define/explain all abbreviations and units of measurement.


Although authors are encouraged to send the highest-quality figures possible, for peer-review purposes, a wide variety of formats, sizes, and resolutions are accepted.

Click here for the basic figure requirements for figures submitted with manuscripts for initial peer review, as well as the more detailed post-acceptance figure requirements.

Color figures. Figures submitted in color may be reproduced in color online free of charge. If an author would prefer to have figures printed in colour in hard copies of the journal, a fee will be charged by the Publisher.

Data Citation

Please review Wiley’s data citation policy here.

Additional Files


Appendices will be published after the references. For submission they should be supplied as separate files but referred to in the text.

Graphical Abstracts

MedComm publishes graphical abstracts for research articles and review articles, displayed online in graphical form with a brief abstract, in addition to the up to 250 word abstract above. The online table of contents will display a schematic figure to convey the core message of your paper, alongside a short abstract highlighting the major findings of the paper. Authors should submit a new and stand-alone image, or designate an image already included in the paper. Your short abstract should consist of 2-3 sentences summarizing the essence of the paper. Graphical abstract entries should be submitted to ScholarOne in one of the generic file formats and uploaded as ‘Graphical Abstract’ during the initial manuscript submission process. The image should fit within the dimensions of 50mm x 60mm, and be fully legible at this size.

Supporting Information

Supporting information is information that is not essential to the article, but provides greater depth and background. It is hosted online and appears without editing or typesetting. It may include tables, figures, videos, datasets, etc.

Click here for Wiley’s FAQs on supporting information.

Note: if data, scripts, or other artefacts used to generate the analyses presented in the paper are available via a publicly available data repository, authors should include a reference to the location of the material within their paper.


All listed authors should have contributed to the manuscript substantially and have agreed to the final submitted version.


Contributions from anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed, with permission from the contributor, in an Acknowledgments section. Financial and material support should also be mentioned. Thanks to anonymous reviewers are not appropriate.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Authors will be asked to provide a conflict of interest statement during the submission process. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise that might be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. These must be disclosed when directly relevant or directly related to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. Potential sources of conflict of interest include, but are not limited to: patent or stock ownership, membership of a company board of directors, membership of an advisory board or committee for a company, and consultancy for or receipt of speaker's fees from a company. The existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude publication. If the authors have no conflict of interest to declare, they must also state this at submission. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review this policy with all authors and collectively to disclose with the submission ALL pertinent commercial and other relationships.



Peer Review and Acceptance

The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to journal readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are single-blind peer reviewed by two reviewers. Papers will only be sent to review if the Editor-in-Chief determines that the paper meets the appropriate quality and relevance requirements.

In-house submissions, i.e. papers authored by Editors or Editorial Board members of the title, will be sent to Editors unaffiliated with the author or institution and monitored carefully to ensure there is no peer review bias.

Wiley's policy on the confidentiality of the review process is available here.

Guidelines on Publishing and Research Ethics in Journal Articles

The journal requires that you include in the manuscript details IRB approvals, ethical treatment of human and animal research participants, and gathering of informed consent, as appropriate. You will be expected to declare all conflicts of interest, or none, on submission. Please review Wiley’s policies surrounding human studies, animal studies, clinical trial registration, biosecurity, and research reporting guidelines.

This journal follows the core practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and handles cases of research and publication misconduct accordingly (

This journal uses iThenticate’s CrossCheck software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Read Wiley’s Top 10 Publishing Ethics Tips for Authors and Wiley’s Publication Ethics Guidelines.

Species Names

Upon its first use in the title, abstract, and text, the common name of a species should be followed by the scientific name (genus, species, and authority) in parentheses. For well-known species, however, scientific names may be omitted from article titles. If no common name exists in English, only the scientific name should be used.  

Genetic Nomenclature

Sequence variants should be described in the text and tables using both DNA and protein designations whenever appropriate. Sequence variant nomenclature must follow the current HGVS guidelines; see, where examples of acceptable nomenclature are provided.

Sequence Data

Nucleotide sequence data can be submitted in electronic form to any of the three major collaborative databases: DDBJ, EMBL, or GenBank. It is only necessary to submit to one database as data are exchanged between DDBJ, EMBL, and GenBank on a daily basis. The suggested wording for referring to accession-number information is: ‘These sequence data have been submitted to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession number U12345’. Addresses are as follows:

Proteins sequence data should be submitted to either of the following repositories:

Structural Data

For papers describing structural data, atomic coordinates and the associated experimental data should be deposited in the appropriate databank (see below). Please note that the data in databanks must be released, at the latest, upon publication of the article. We trust in the cooperation of our authors to ensure that atomic coordinates and experimental data are released on time.

  • Organic and organometallic compounds: Crystallographic data should not be sent as Supporting Information, but should be deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) at
  • Inorganic compounds: Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ;
  • Proteins and nucleic acids: Protein Data Bank (
  • NMR spectroscopy data: BioMagResBank (

Data Sharing and Data Accessibility

Please review Wiley’s policy here.  This journal encourages data sharing.

The journal encourages authors to share the data and other artefacts supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Authors should include a data accessibility statement, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published alongside their paper.

All accepted manuscripts may elect to publish a data availability statement to confirm the presence or absence of shared data. If you have shared data, this statement will describe how the data can be accessed, and include a persistent identifier (e.g., a DOI for the data, or an accession number) from the repository where you shared the data.

Sample statements are available here.  If published, statements will be placed in the heading of your manuscript.

Human subject information in databases. The journal refers to the World Health Medical Association Declaration of Taipei on Ethical Considerations Regarding Health Databases and Biobanks.


Please see Wiley’s resources on ORCID here.

As part of the journal’s commitment to supporting authors at every step of the publishing process, the journal encourages the submitting author (only) to provide an ORCID iD when submitting a manuscript. This takes around 2 minutes to complete. Find more information here.



All articles published by MedComm are fully open access where they are immediately freely available to read, download and share. To cover the cost of publishing, MedComm charges a publication fee when a submission is accepted for publication. There is no fee for initial submission for editorial/peer-review evaluation. Accepted papers will be published under CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution License. With the Creative Commons license, the author retains copyright and the public is allowed to reuse the content. The author grants Wiley a license to publish the article and to identify as the original publisher.

If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author will receive an email prompting them to login into Author Services; where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be able to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

To learn more about Creative Commons Licenses and to preview terms and conditions of the agreements, please click here.

Open Access fees: All submissions received from 1 March 2023 are subject to an Article Publication Charge if accepted and published in the journal (unless a waiver is applied). Detailed information on the Article Publication Charge for publishing in the journal is here. Agreement to pay the APC is given at manuscript submission, but will only be charged upon acceptance.



Accepted Article Received in Production

When an accepted article is received by Wiley’s production team, the corresponding author will receive an email asking them to login or register with Wiley Author Services. The author will be asked to sign a publication license at this point.


Authors will receive an e-mail notification with a link and instructions for accessing HTML page proofs online. Page proofs should be carefully proofread for any copyediting or typesetting errors. Online guidelines are provided within the system. No special software is required, all common browsers are supported. Authors should also make sure that any renumbered tables, figures, or references match text citations and that figure legends correspond with text citations and actual figures. Proofs must be returned as soon as possible from receipt of the email. Return of proofs via e-mail is possible in the event that the online system cannot be used or accessed.

Early View

The journal offers rapid publication via Wiley’s Early View service. Early View (Online Version of Record) articles are published on Wiley Online Library before inclusion in an issue. Note there may be a delay after corrections are received before the article appears online, as Editors also need to review proofs. Before we can publish an article, we require a signed license (authors should login or register with Wiley Author Services.  Once the article is published on Early View, no further changes to the article are possible. The Early View article is fully citable and carries an online publication date and DOI for citations.

Citing this Article: eLocators

This journal now uses eLocators. eLocators are unique identifies for an article that service the same function page numbers have traditionally served in the print world. When citing this article, please insert the eLocator in place of the page number. For more information, please visit the Author Services eLocator page here.



Access and Sharing

Please review Wiley’s guidelines on sharing your research here.

When the article is published online:

  • The author receives an email alert (if requested).
  • The link to the published article can be shared through social media.

Promoting the Article

To find out how to best promote an article, click here.

Measuring the Impact of an Article

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Archiving Services

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MedComm Editorial Office
No.1103-1105, Building 6, S2, Global Center, High-tech Zone
Chengdu, China
Tel: 028-80592559-8002


Author Guidelines updated 6 Jun 2022

Pubdate: 2024-07-09    Viewed: 32