Gene editing therapy for cardiovascular diseases

Xinyu Wu, Jie Yang, Jiayao Zhang, Yuning Song()

MedComm ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (7) : e639. DOI: 10.1002/mco2.639

Gene editing therapy for cardiovascular diseases

  • Xinyu Wu, Jie Yang, Jiayao Zhang, Yuning Song()
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The development of gene editing tools has been a significant area of research in the life sciences for nearly 30 years. These tools have been widely utilized in disease detection and mechanism research. In the new century, they have shown potential in addressing various scientific challenges and saving lives through gene editing therapies, particularly in combating cardiovascular disease (CVD). The rapid advancement of gene editing therapies has provided optimism for CVD patients. The progress of gene editing therapy for CVDs is a comprehensive reflection of the practical implementation of gene editing technology in both clinical and basic research settings, as well as the steady advancement of research and treatment of CVDs. This article provides an overview of the commonly utilized DNA-targeted gene editing tools developed thus far, with a specific focus on the application of these tools, particularly the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/CRISPR-associated genes (Cas) (CRISPR/Cas) system, in CVD gene editing therapy. It also delves into the challenges and limitations of current gene editing therapies, while summarizing ongoing research and clinical trials related to CVD. The aim is to facilitate further exploration by relevant researchers by summarizing the successful applications of gene editing tools in the field of CVD.


cardiovascular disease / CRISPR/Cas / gene therapy / lipid nanoparticles

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Xinyu Wu, Jie Yang, Jiayao Zhang, Yuning Song. Gene editing therapy for cardiovascular diseases. MedComm, 2024, 5(7): e639


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