Chromothripsis is a novel biomarker for prognosis and differentiation diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms

Ming-Yi Zhang1, Du He2, Yi Zhang3, Ke Cheng1, Hong-Shuai Li1, Yu-Wen Zhou1, Qiong-Xian Long4, Rui-Zhi Liu5, Ji-Yan Liu1,6,7()

MedComm ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (7) : e623. DOI: 10.1002/mco2.623

Chromothripsis is a novel biomarker for prognosis and differentiation diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms

  • Ming-Yi Zhang1, Du He2, Yi Zhang3, Ke Cheng1, Hong-Shuai Li1, Yu-Wen Zhou1, Qiong-Xian Long4, Rui-Zhi Liu5, Ji-Yan Liu1,6,7()
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This study aimed to identify the role of chromothripsis as a novel biomarker in the prognosis and differentiation diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (pNENs). We conducted next-generation gene sequencing in a cohort of 30 patients with high-grade (G3) pNENs. As a reference, a similar analysis was also performed on 25 patients with low-grade (G1/G2) pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs). Chromothripsis and its relationship with clinicopathological features and prognosis were investigated. The results showed that DNA damage response and repair gene alteration and TP53 mutation were found in 29 and 11 patients, respectively. A total of 14 out of 55 patients had chromothripsis involving different chromosomes. Chromothripsis had a close relationship with TP53 alteration and higher grade. In the entire cohort, chromothripsis was associated with a higher risk of distant metastasis; both chromothripsis and metastasis (ENETS Stage IV) suggested a significantly shorter overall survival (OS). Importantly, in the high-grade pNENs group, chromothripsis was the only independent prognostic indicator significantly associated with a shorter OS, other than TP53 alteration or pathological pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (pNECs) diagnosis. Chromothripsis can guide worse prognosis in pNENs, and help differentiate pNECs from high-grade (G3) pNETs.


chromothripsis / DDR gene / differentiation diagnosis / pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms / prognosis / TP53

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Ming-Yi Zhang, Du He, Yi Zhang, Ke Cheng, Hong-Shuai Li, Yu-Wen Zhou, Qiong-Xian Long, Rui-Zhi Liu, Ji-Yan Liu. Chromothripsis is a novel biomarker for prognosis and differentiation diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. MedComm, 2024, 5(7): e623


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