Therapeutic targeting of white adipose tissue metabolic dysfunction in obesity: mechanisms and opportunities

Zi-Han Yang1,2, Fang-Zhou Chen2, Yi-Xiang Zhang2, Min-Yi Ou2, Poh-Ching Tan2(), Xue-Wen Xu1(), Qing-Feng Li2(), Shuang-Bai Zhou2()

MedComm ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (6) : e560. DOI: 10.1002/mco2.560

Therapeutic targeting of white adipose tissue metabolic dysfunction in obesity: mechanisms and opportunities

  • Zi-Han Yang1,2, Fang-Zhou Chen2, Yi-Xiang Zhang2, Min-Yi Ou2, Poh-Ching Tan2(), Xue-Wen Xu1(), Qing-Feng Li2(), Shuang-Bai Zhou2()
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White adipose tissue is not only a highly heterogeneous organ containing various cells, such as adipocytes, adipose stem and progenitor cells, and immune cells, but also an endocrine organ that is highly important for regulating metabolic and immune homeostasis. In individuals with obesity, dynamic cellular changes in adipose tissue result in phenotypic switching and adipose tissue dysfunction, including pathological expansion, WAT fibrosis, immune cell infiltration, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and ectopic lipid accumulation, ultimately leading to chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance. Recently, many distinct subpopulations of adipose tissue have been identified, providing new insights into the potential mechanisms of adipose dysfunction in individuals with obesity. Therefore, targeting white adipose tissue as a therapeutic agent for treating obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases is of great scientific interest. Here, we provide an overview of white adipose tissue remodeling in individuals with obesity including cellular changes and discuss the underlying regulatory mechanisms of white adipose tissue metabolic dysfunction. Currently, various studies have uncovered promising targets and strategies for obesity treatment. We also outline the potential therapeutic signaling pathways of targeting adipose tissue and summarize existing therapeutic strategies for antiobesity treatment including pharmacological approaches, lifestyle interventions, and novel therapies.


adipose tissue remodeling / immunometabolic dysfunction / obesity / signaling pathways / therapeutic potentials

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Zi-Han Yang, Fang-Zhou Chen, Yi-Xiang Zhang, Min-Yi Ou, Poh-Ching Tan, Xue-Wen Xu, Qing-Feng Li, Shuang-Bai Zhou. Therapeutic targeting of white adipose tissue metabolic dysfunction in obesity: mechanisms and opportunities. MedComm, 2024, 5(6): e560


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