Roles of reactive oxygen species in inflammation and cancer

Yunfei Yu, Shengzhuo Liu, Luchen Yang, Pan Song, Zhenghuan Liu, Xiaoyang Liu, Xin Yan, Qiang Dong()

MedComm ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4) : e519. DOI: 10.1002/mco2.519

Roles of reactive oxygen species in inflammation and cancer

  • Yunfei Yu, Shengzhuo Liu, Luchen Yang, Pan Song, Zhenghuan Liu, Xiaoyang Liu, Xin Yan, Qiang Dong()
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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) constitute a spectrum of oxygenic metabolites crucial in modulating pathological organism functions. Disruptions in ROS equilibrium span various diseases, and current insights suggest a dual role for ROS in tumorigenesis and the immune response within cancer. This review rigorously examines ROS production and its role in normal cells, elucidating the subsequent regulatory network in inflammation and cancer. Comprehensive synthesis details the documented impacts of ROS on diverse immune cells. Exploring the intricate relationship between ROS and cancer immunity, we highlight its influence on existing immunotherapies, including immune checkpoint blockade, chimeric antigen receptors, and cancer vaccines. Additionally, we underscore the promising prospects of utilizing ROS and targeting ROS modulators as novel immunotherapeutic interventions for cancer. This review discusses the complex interplay between ROS, inflammation, and tumorigenesis, emphasizing the multifaceted functions of ROS in both physiological and pathological conditions. It also underscores the potential implications of ROS in cancer immunotherapy and suggests future research directions, including the development of targeted therapies and precision oncology approaches. In summary, this review emphasizes the significance of understanding ROS-mediated mechanisms for advancing cancer therapy and developing personalized treatments.


cancer / immune / reactive oxygen species / treatment

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Yunfei Yu, Shengzhuo Liu, Luchen Yang, Pan Song, Zhenghuan Liu, Xiaoyang Liu, Xin Yan, Qiang Dong. Roles of reactive oxygen species in inflammation and cancer. MedComm, 2024, 5(4): e519


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