Deep learning for precise diagnosis and subtype triage of drug-resistant tuberculosis on chest computed tomography

Shufan Liang1, Xiuyuan Xu2, Zhe Yang2, Qiuyu Du2, Lingyu Zhou2, Jun Shao1, Jixiang Guo2, Binwu Ying3, Weimin Li1(), Chengdi Wang1()

MedComm ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3) : e487. DOI: 10.1002/mco2.487

Deep learning for precise diagnosis and subtype triage of drug-resistant tuberculosis on chest computed tomography

  • Shufan Liang1, Xiuyuan Xu2, Zhe Yang2, Qiuyu Du2, Lingyu Zhou2, Jun Shao1, Jixiang Guo2, Binwu Ying3, Weimin Li1(), Chengdi Wang1()
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Deep learning, transforming input data into target prediction through intricate network structures, has inspired novel exploration in automated diagnosis based on medical images. The distinct morphological characteristics of chest abnormalities between drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) and drug-sensitive tuberculosis (DS-TB) on chest computed tomography (CT) are of potential value in differential diagnosis, which is challenging in the clinic. Hence, based on 1176 chest CT volumes from the equal number of patients with tuberculosis (TB), we presented a Deep learning-based system for TB drug resistance identification and subtype classification (DeepTB), which could automatically diagnose DR-TB and classify crucial subtypes, including rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Moreover, chest lesions were manually annotated to endow the model with robust power to assist radiologists in image interpretation and the Circos revealed the relationship between chest abnormalities and specific types of DR-TB. Finally, DeepTB achieved an area under the curve (AUC) up to 0.930 for thoracic abnormality detection and 0.943 for DR-TB diagnosis. Notably, the system demonstrated instructive value in DR-TB subtype classification with AUCs ranging from 0.880 to 0.928. Meanwhile, class activation maps were generated to express a human-understandable visual concept. Together, showing a prominent performance, DeepTB would be impactful in clinical decision-making for DR-TB.


computed tomography / deep learning / drug-resistant tuberculosis / multidrug-resistant tuberculosis / rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis

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Shufan Liang, Xiuyuan Xu, Zhe Yang, Qiuyu Du, Lingyu Zhou, Jun Shao, Jixiang Guo, Binwu Ying, Weimin Li, Chengdi Wang. Deep learning for precise diagnosis and subtype triage of drug-resistant tuberculosis on chest computed tomography. MedComm, 2024, 5(3): e487


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