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    Jian DING, Ewain GWYNNE
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 1-46.

    We show that every possible metric associated with critical (γ=2) Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) induces the same topology on the plane as the Euclidean metric. More precisely, we show that the optimal modulus of continuity of the critical LQG metric with respect to the Euclidean metric is a power of 1/log(1/|·|). Our result applies to every possible subsequential limit of critical Liouville first passage percolation, a natural approximation scheme for the LQG metric which was recently shown to be tight.

    Ye REN
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 127-142.

    A Lie algebra g is considered generalized reductive if it is a direct sum of a semisimple Lie algebra and a commutative radical. This paper extends the BGG category O over complex semisimple Lie algebras to the category O over complex generalized reductive Lie algebras. Then, we preliminarily research the highest weight modules and the projective modules in this new category O, and generalize some conclusions for the classical case. Also, we investigate the associated varieties with respect to the irreducible modules in O and obtain a result that extends Joseph’s result on the associated varieties for reductive Lie algebras. Finally, we study the center of the universal enveloping algebra U(g) and independently provide a new proof of a theorem by Ou–Shu–Yao for the center in the case of enhanced reductive Lie algebras.

    Jianguo LI, Yongzhong SUN
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 47-71.

    We study the asymptotic stability of equilibrium states with positive (and variable) temperature gradient to the Boussinesq system without thermal conduction in the strip domain 2×(0,1). It is shown that a unique global-in-time solution exists if the initial data is close enough to such an equilibrium state with suitable boundary conditions. Moreover, as time goes to infinity, the solution converges to the corresponding equilibrium state with explicit decay rates. Such a result reflects the well-known Rayleigh–Taylor stability phenomenon in the fluid motion.

    Xi XU, Wang SHEN, Linfeng WANG
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 181-192.

    In this paper we firstly prove that the CDp curvature condition always satisfies for p2 on any connected locally finite graph. We show this property does not hold for 1<p<2. We also derive a lower bound for the first nonzero eigenvalue of the p-Laplace operator on a connected finite graph with the CDp(m, K) condition for the case that 1<p2,m>2(p1)2p and K > 0.

    Wen SHEN
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 171-180.

    Both Adams spectral sequence and Adams–Novikov spectral sequence converge to the stable homotopy groups of sphere π*(S). Suppose an element x in the E2-term of the Adams–Novikov spectral sequence converges to a homotopy element in π*(S). In this paper we determine that the algebraic representative x˜ in the E2-term of the Adams spectral sequence converges to the same homotopy element under the conditions related to the Novikov weight and homological dimension.

    Mingquan WEI, Dunyan YAN
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 107-125.

    The purpose of this paper is to study the boundedness for a large class of multi-sublinear operators Tα,m generated by multilinear fractional integral operator and their commutators Tα,m,ib(i=1,,m) on product generalized mixed Morrey spaces Mq1ϕ1(n)×...×Mqmϕm(n). We find sufficient conditions on (ϕ1, ..., ϕm, ϕ) which ensure the boundedness of Tα,m from Mq1ϕ1(n)×...×Mqmϕm(n) to Mpϕ(n). Moreover, we also give sufficient conditions for the boundedness of Tα,m,ib from Mq1ϕ1(n)×...×Mqmϕm(n) to Mpϕ(n). As applications, the boundedness for multi-sublinear fractional maximal operator, multilinear fractional integral operator and their commutators on product generalized mixed Morrey spaces is established.

    Haiyun DENG, Fang LIU, Hairong LIU
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 73-88.

    In this article, we mainly study the critical points of solutions to the Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions in an exterior do-main in ℝ2. Based on the fine analysis about the structures of connected components of the super-level sets {x2\Ω:u(x)>t} and sub-level sets {x2\Ω:u(x)<t} for some t, we get the geometric distributions of interior critical point sets of solutions. Exactly, when Ω is a smooth bounded simply connected domain, u|Ω=ψ(x), lim|x|u(x)= and ψ(x) has K local maximal points on ∂Ω, we deduce that i=1lmiK, where m1, ..., ml are the multiplicities of interior critical points x1, ..., xl of solution u respectively. In addition, when ψ(x) has only K global maximal points and K equal local minima relative to 2\Ω on ∂Ω, we have that i=1lmi=K. Moreover, when Ω is a domain consisting of l disjoint smooth bounded simply connected domains, we deduce that xiΩmi+12xjΩmj=l1, and the critical points are contained in the convex hull of the l simply connected domains.

    Limeng XIA, Hongmei HU, Yilan TAN
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 161-170.

    In this paper, we study the finite dimensional modules over indefinite Kac–Moody Lie algebras. We prove that any Kac–Moody Lie algebra with indecomposable indefinite Cartan matrix has no non-trivial finite dimensional simple module. This result would be indispensable for researching finite dimensional modules over GIM Lie algebras.

    Shuoyang XU, Xiaoqing YUE
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 143-160.

    In this paper, all Lie bialgebra structures on the derivation Lie algebra W over a rank d3 quantum torus associated to q are considered, where q is a d× d matrix with all the entries being roots of unity. They are shown to be triangular coboundary. As a byproduct, it is also proved that the first cohomology group H1(W,W W) is trivial.

    Lei LIU, Cao ZHAO
    Frontiers of Mathematics, 2024, 19(1): 89-105.

    In this paper, we introduce the Bowen polynomial entropy and study the multifractal spectrum of the local polynomial entropies for arbitrary Borel probability measures.