Proof of Some Congruence Conjectures of Z.-H. Sun

Guoshuai Mao, Zhengkai Zhao

Frontiers of Mathematics ›› 2025

Frontiers of Mathematics ›› 2025 DOI: 10.1007/s11464-024-0111-8
Research Article

Proof of Some Congruence Conjectures of Z.-H. Sun

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In this paper, we mainly prove some conjectural congruences of Z.-H. Sun involving Almkvist–Zudilin numbers

b n = k = 0 n 3 ( 2 k k ) ( 3 k k ) ( n 3 k ) ( n + k k ) ( 3 ) n 3 k .

Let p > 3 be a prime. If p ≡ 3 (mod 4), then

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Guoshuai Mao, Zhengkai Zhao. Proof of Some Congruence Conjectures of Z.-H. Sun. Frontiers of Mathematics, 2025


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