Periodic Orbits and Homoclinic Orbits of Second-order Hamiltonian Systems with Mild Superquadratic Growth

Xiaofei Zhang, Chungen Liu, Benxing Zhou

Frontiers of Mathematics ›› 2025

Frontiers of Mathematics ›› 2025 DOI: 10.1007/s11464-023-0084-z
Research Article

Periodic Orbits and Homoclinic Orbits of Second-order Hamiltonian Systems with Mild Superquadratic Growth

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Using the saddle point theorem and the mountain pass theorem with Morse index estimate, the existence of periodic solutions for second-order Hamiltonian systems with mild superquadratic growth is proved in this paper. Meanwhile the existence result of homoclinic orbits for this kind of Hamiltonian systems is also obtained by the local convergence of a sequence of subharmonic solutions.

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Xiaofei Zhang, Chungen Liu, Benxing Zhou. Periodic Orbits and Homoclinic Orbits of Second-order Hamiltonian Systems with Mild Superquadratic Growth. Frontiers of Mathematics, 2025


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