Guidelines for authors


We will consider your manuscript as long as

    it is your own original work and does not duplicate any previously published work, including your own;
    it is not under consideration, in peer review, or accepted for publication in any journal other than Life Medicine;
    it has not been published in any other journal; and
    it contains nothing abusive, defamatory, libelous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.

Authors should observe high ethical standards and obey publication best practices. The following are all unacceptable:

    data falsification or fabrication
    plagiarism, including duplicate publication of your own work without proper citation
    misappropriation of work

We treat any case of ethical or publication malpractice very seriously. We will address them in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Further information about OUP’s ethical policies is available.
How to Submit

You must submit your paper via our web-based submission system. If you have not published with Life Medicine before, you will need to create an account. More information is available on the ScholarOne Manuscripts FAQ and help page. Questions about submitting can be sent to the editorial office at
Article Type

This journal publishes several different article types.
Articles—Maximum Word Count: 6,000

    abstract—unstructured abstract; maximum word count: 200
    keywords—maximum keywords: 5; each keyword can be a maximum of 6 words
    references—maximum references: 150
    tables and figures—maximum of 8 figures and 6 tables

Each submission must contain the following sections: abstract, keywords, introduction, results, discussion, research limitations, materials and methods, references.
Resources—Maximum Word Count: 6,000

    abstract—unstructured abstract; maximum word count: 200
    keywords—maximum keywords: 5; each keyword can be a maximum of 6 words
    references—maximum references: 150
    tables and figures—maximum of 8 figures and 6 tables

Each submission must contain the following sections: abstract, keywords, introduction, results, discussion, research limitations, materials and methods, references.
Reviews—maximum word count: 10,000

    abstract—unstructured abstract; maximum word count: 200
    keywords—maximum keywords: 5; each keyword can be a maximum of 6 words
    references—maximum references: 300
    tables and figures—maximum of 8 figures and 6 tables

No structured sections required for Reviews. For invited Reviews to a group of specialists on a given subject, there are no limitations on maximum word count, references, or tables and figures.
Letters—maximum word count 1,500

    abstract—no abstract; a brief stand first of only one or two sentences
    references—maximum references: 10
    figures—maximum of 2 figures

No structured sections required for Letters.
Previews—maximum word count 1,500

    abstract—no abstract; a brief stand first of only one or two sentences
    references—maximum references: 5
    figures—maximum of 2 figures

No structured sections required for Previews.
Research Highlights—maximum word count 1,500

    abstract—no abstract; a brief stand first of only one or two sentences
    references—maximum references: 5
    figures—maximum of 1 figure

No structured sections required for Research Highlights.
News & Opinions—maximum word count 1,500

    abstract—no abstract; a brief stand first of only one or two sentences
    references—maximum references: 5
    figures—maximum of 1 figure

No structured sections required for News & Opinions.
Third-Party Permissions

If you wish to reproduce any material for which you do not own the copyright—including quotations, tables, or images—you must obtain permission from the copyright holder. The permissions agreement must include the following documents:

    nonexclusive rights to reproduce the material in your article in Life Medicine
    both print and electronic rights, preferably for use in any form or medium
    lifetime rights to use the material
    worldwide English-language rights

Further information on obtaining permissions is available.
Manuscript Preparation: Format, Structure, and Style
Presubmission Language Editing

If you are not confident in the quality of your English, you may wish to use a language-editing service to ensure that editors and reviewers understand your paper. Language editing is optional and does not guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted. Edited manuscripts will still undergo peer review by the journal.
Title Page

Please include the following:

    the title of your paper
    all author names and affiliations
    mailing address and email address of one corresponding author


Abstracts have a maximum length of 200 words and must not contain reference citations or abbreviations.

The journal follows Oxford SCIMED style. Please refer to these requirements when preparing your manuscript. More information on the style guide is available. [UK/US] spelling should be used throughout, except in quotations and in references.

Please define nonstandard abbreviations at the first occurrence.

You must number all tables (e.g., table 1, table 2, table 3) and reference them in the text. You must place all tables at the end of the main text. Tables should be in an editable format, and not embedded as an image file.

You may format references in any readable style at submission. You are responsible for the accuracy of reference information. Style files for reference managers
Acknowledgments and Funding

Acknowledgments and funding information should be included at the end of your manuscript. Please fully cite any relevant funding information, including specific grant numbers.
Author Contribution

Life Medicine encourages transparency by clarifying every author’s effort, including conception, design, experimental conduction, data acquisition, analysis, interpretation, creation of new software, drafting, revising and so on. For reference, CRediT taxonomy provides 14 contribution roles. Please indicate the contribution of each author at the end of your manuscript.
Research ethics

For research involving human subjects, please include a statement in the Method section, providing the information of institutional or licensing committee approving the studies and informed consent obtained from all subjects. Attention, Life Medicine values patient confidentiality. Any identifier that might reveal a patient’s identity must be removed (i.e., x-rays, MRIs, charts, photographs, etc.)
For research on live vertebrates or higher invertebrates, all experiments must be performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Please include a statement in the Method section, identifying the institutional or licensing committee approving the experiments.
For details, please visit the OUP guidelines at

Information on LaTeX files and formatting is available.

You must include figure titles and legends within the manuscript file—they should not be included in the image file.
You must submit each figure as an individual image file. Submit all panels of a multipanel figure on a single page as one file. For example, if the figure has 3 panels, the figure should be submitted as one file. Each panel should be labeled as a letter (A, B, C, D, etc.) in the upper-left corner of each panel.
Images of photographs or paintings can be provided as raster images. Common examples of raster images are .tif/.tiff, .raw, .gif, and .bmp file types. The resolution of raster files is measured by the number of dots or pixels in a given area, referred to as “dpi” or “ppi.”

    minimum resolution required for printed images or pictures: 350dpi
    minimum resolution for printed line art: 600dpi (complex or finely drawn line art should be 1200dpi)
    minimum resolution for electronic images (i.e., for on-screen viewing): 72dpi
    always embed fonts and use only Arial fonts
    text should be about 6–8 pt at the desired print size

Images of maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams are best rendered digitally as geometric forms called vector graphics. Common file types are .eps, .ai, and .pdf. Vector images use mathematical relationships between points and the lines connecting them to describe an image. These file types do not use pixels; therefore resolution does not apply to vector images.
Figures prepared as .doc/.docx or .jpeg/.jpg files will not be accepted.
Supplementary Material

You must submit supplementary data or supplementary material at the same time as the main manuscript.

    Supplementary material must be cited in the text of the main manuscript.
    Supplementary material will be available online only and will not be copyedited or typeset.
    Style and formatting of supplementary material should be consistent with that of the manuscript.
    Supplementary material should be formatted to function on any internet browser.
    Supplementary material files should be no larger than 2MB each.

Licence to Publish and Open Access Options

Life Medicine is a fully open access journal and in the first three years, there will be no publication costs for publishing in Life Medicine. All papers are freely available online upon publication under an open access licence.
After your manuscript is accepted, you must sign a licence to publish form on our Author Services website.
Life Medicine articles can be published under the following Creative Commons licences:

    Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY)

Your funding agencies may have specific requirements for what type of open access licence to use, so please check before selecting a licence. Please see Creative Commons licences for more information. Please check with your funding body if you are unsure of any licence requirements.

Pubdate: 2022-09-21    Viewed: 749