Comparative functional RNA editomes of neural differentiation from human PSCs
Yu Zhang, Qu Zhang, Yuhong Hou, Ran Wang, Yu Wang
Comparative functional RNA editomes of neural differentiation from human PSCs
RNA editing is a fundamental mechanism that constitutes the epitranscriptomic complexity. A-to-G editing is the predominant type catalyzed by ADAR1 and ADAR2 in human. Using a CRISPR/Cas9 approach to knockout ADAR1/2, we identified a regulatory role of RNA editing in directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) toward neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Genome-wide landscapes of A-to-G editing in hESCs and four derivative cell lineages representing all three germ layers and the extraembryonic cell fate were profiled, with a particular focus on neural differentiation. Furthermore, a bioinformatics-guided case study identified a potential functional editing event in ZYG11B 3’UTR that might play a role in regulation of NPC differentiation through gain of miR6089 targeting. Collectively, our study established the functional role of A-to-G RNA editing in neural lineage differentiation; illustrated the RNA editing landscapes of hESCs and NPC differentiation; and shed new light on molecular insights thereof.
RNA editing / CRISPR/Cas9 / human pluripotent stem cell / neural differentiation / ZYG11b
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