Multisystem of Material Handling for Shipyard Facility Layout Optimization Using NSGA-II

Gunawan, Ghulam Tulus Pambudi, Allesandro Setyo Anggito Utomo

Journal of Marine Science and Application ›› 2025

Journal of Marine Science and Application ›› 2025 DOI: 10.1007/s11804-025-00643-2
Research Article

Multisystem of Material Handling for Shipyard Facility Layout Optimization Using NSGA-II

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The need to transport goods across countries and islands has resulted in a high demand for commercial vessels. Owing to such trends, shipyards must efficiently produce ships to reduce production costs. Layout and material flow are among the crucial aspects determining the efficiency of the production at a shipyard. This paper presents the initial design optimization of a shipyard layout using Nondominated Sorting Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) to find the optimal configuration of workstations in a shipyard layout. The proposed method focuses on simultaneously minimizing two material handling costs, namely work-based material handling and duration-based material handling. NSGA-II determines the order of workstations in the shipyard layout. The semiflexible bay structure is then used in the workstation placement process from the sequence formed in NSGA-II into a complete design. Considering that this study is a case of multiobjective optimization, the performance for both objectives at each iteration is presented in a 3D graph. Results indicate that after 500 iterations, the optimal configuration yields a work-based MHC of 163 670.0 WBM-units and a duration-based MHC of 34 750 DBM-units. Starting from a random solution, the efficiency of NSGA-II demonstrates significant improvements, achieving a 50.19% reduction in work-based MHC and a 48.58% reduction in duration-based MHC.

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Gunawan, Ghulam Tulus Pambudi, Allesandro Setyo Anggito Utomo. Multisystem of Material Handling for Shipyard Facility Layout Optimization Using NSGA-II. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2025


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