Effect of Cracked and Notched Stiffeners on the Ultimate Strength of Steel Stiffened Panels

Musa Bahmani, Fattaneh Morshedsolouk, Mohammad Reza Khedmati

Journal of Marine Science and Application ›› 2024, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2) : 460-469.

Journal of Marine Science and Application ›› 2024, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2) : 460-469. DOI: 10.1007/s11804-024-00417-2
Research Article

Effect of Cracked and Notched Stiffeners on the Ultimate Strength of Steel Stiffened Panels

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This paper numerically evaluates the effect of the crack position on the ultimate strength of stiffened panels. Imperfections such as notches and cracks in aged marine stiffened panels can reduce their ultimate strength. To investigate the effect of crack length and position, a series of nonlinear finite element analyses were carried out and two cases were considered, i. e., case 1 with thin stiffeners and case 2 with thick stiffeners. In both cases, the stiffeners have the same cross-section area. To have a basis for comparison, the intact panels were modeled as well. The cracks and notches were in the longitudinal and transverse direction and were assumed to be in the middle part of the panel. The cracks and notches were assumed to be through the thickness and there is neither crack propagation nor contact between crack faces. Based on the numerical results, longitudinal cracks affect the behavior of the stiffened panels in the postbuckling region. When the stiffeners are thinner, they buckle first and provide no reserved strength after plate buckling. Thus, cracks in the stiffeners do not affect the ultimate strength in the case of the thinner stiffeners. Generally, when stiffeners are thicker, they affect the postbuckling behavior more. In that case, cracks in the stiffeners affect the buckling and failure modes of the stiffened panels. The effect of notch was also studied. In contrast to the longitudinal crack in stiffeners, a notch in the stiffeners reduces the ultimate strength of the stiffened panel for both slender and thick stiffeners.


Stiffened panels / Crack / Notch / Ultimate strength / Buckling / Nonlinear finite element method

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Musa Bahmani, Fattaneh Morshedsolouk, Mohammad Reza Khedmati. Effect of Cracked and Notched Stiffeners on the Ultimate Strength of Steel Stiffened Panels. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2024, 23(2): 460‒469 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-024-00417-2


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