An Advanced Image Processing Technique for Backscatter-Electron Data by Scanning Electron Microscopy for Microscale Rock Exploration

Zhaoliang Hou, Kunfeng Qiu, Tong Zhou, Yiwei Cai

Journal of Earth Science ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 301-305.

Journal of Earth Science ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1) : 301-305. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-024-1969-9

An Advanced Image Processing Technique for Backscatter-Electron Data by Scanning Electron Microscopy for Microscale Rock Exploration

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Backscatter electron analysis from scanning electron microscopes (BSE-SEM) produces high-resolution image data of both rock samples and thin-sections, showing detailed structural and geochemical (mineralogical) information. This allows an in-depth exploration of the rock microstructures and the coupled chemical characteristics in the BSE-SEM image to be made using image processing techniques. Although image processing is a powerful tool for revealing the more subtle data “hidden” in a picture, it is not a commonly employed method in geoscientific microstructural analysis. Here, we briefly introduce the general principles of image processing, and further discuss its application in studying rock microstructures using BSE-SEM image data.


Image processing / rock microstructures / electron-based imaging / data mining

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Zhaoliang Hou, Kunfeng Qiu, Tong Zhou, Yiwei Cai. An Advanced Image Processing Technique for Backscatter-Electron Data by Scanning Electron Microscopy for Microscale Rock Exploration. Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(1): 301‒305


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