Effects of the Rainfall-Triggered Lisse Effect on the Stability of Loess Slopes

Zhizhou Yang, Donghui Cheng, Jun Xia

Journal of Earth Science ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4) : 1254-1262.

Journal of Earth Science ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4) : 1254-1262. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-021-1536-6

Effects of the Rainfall-Triggered Lisse Effect on the Stability of Loess Slopes

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This paper coupled a water-air two-phase hydrodynamic (WATPH) model with the Iverson’s method to analyze the influence of the Lisse effect on the fast groundwater pressure (P w) response and the slope stability. Furthermore, the sensitivities of the driving force and loess soil parameters were investigated. Results showed that the WATPH model simulated the height and rise of the depth to the water table reasonably well. The depth to water table before rainfall (H 0) had a significant impact on the Lisse effect and the slope stability. When the H 0 was less than approximately 1 m, the rainfall triggered a significant Lisse effect and decreased the slope factor of safety (F s). When the rainfall intensity (R i) was higher than the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K s), the Lisse effect and the Fs slightly changed with the increase of the R i, and the slope tended to be unstable with continuous rainfall. With increasing K s, the Lisse effect noticeably increased, and the minimum F s quickly decreases. The analysis of the normalized sensitivity coefficient revealed that H 0 had a dramatic impact on the Lisse effect and loess slope stability. The different R i and K s values had prominent influences on the Lisse effect and slight impacts on F s.


Lisse effect / landslides / safety factor / rainfall

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Zhizhou Yang, Donghui Cheng, Jun Xia. Effects of the Rainfall-Triggered Lisse Effect on the Stability of Loess Slopes. Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(4): 1254‒1262 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-021-1536-6


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