May 2022, Volume 1 Issue 1

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  • Review
    WU Weiren, YU Dengyun
    2014, 1(1): 5-17.
    Deep space exploration is the term used for the exploration of the Moon and the celestial bodies or deep space beyond the Moon. It’s a major part of human space activities and an important approach for space science and technology innovation. Based on the retrospection of the development and accomplishment of deep space exploration over the past 50 years and summary of the development route-map of deep space exploration of different space countries and regions ,this paper analysed five developmental characteristics of deep space exploration, and proposed six kinds of key technology fields focused on and addressed for future deep space exploration activities.
  • Review
    CUI Pingyuan, GAO Ai, YU Zhengshi
    2014, 1(1): 18-27.
    Navigation is one of the core technologies for Mars landing. In this paper, the Mars landing navigation capabilities and development trends of autonomous navigation are firs街analyzed, concentrating on the landing environment characteristics and technological challenges. And the research status of autonomous navigation scheme is summarized subject to the specialties and requirements of each flight phase during Mars landing. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis of the latest research progress in autonomous navigation schemes is conducted in the respects of design and configuration of schemes, model building and simulation, navigation performance analysis and so on. Then the required navigation precision on each interface point of flight phases is obtained by comprehensively simulating the whole progress of Mars landing.Finally, the conceive of a "progressive three-stage" autonomous navigation scheme for Mars landing is proposed whileconsidering the present situation and developing trend of technology, which would provide useful data for the design anddemonstration of navigation scheme for future Mars landing.
  • Review
    XU Qing, GENG Xun, LAN Chaozhen, XING Shuai
    2014, 1(1): 28-35.
    Mars topographic mapping is the basis for scientific research of Mars. Firs街,Mars exploration tasks related to topographic mapping are introduced and the characteristics of mapping cameras are analyzed. Currently,the photogrammetric processing of stereo imagery is the main method to derive Mars topographic data, and the basic procedure of data processing and the conventional coordinate system of Mars are introduced as well. Then, the construction of rigorous geometric model of linear pushbroom imagery using SPICE kernels is discussed. The key techniques of photogrammetric processing for Mars topographic mapping such as bundle adjustment, dense image matching and montage of multi-linear CCD array are investigated. At last, some proposals are given to China on the Mars topographic mapping research.
  • Article
    SHANG Haibin, CUI Pingyuan, XIONG Xu, WU Xiaoyu
    2014, 1(1): 36-43.
    In this paper, the target selection and trajectory optimization is investigated for manned asteroid exploration mission in 2020一2040. Firs街,According to various factors and constraints , such as absolute magnitude and orbital parameters, 20 potential candidates for manned missions are presented. And then, the design model for manned mission is constructed, and the exploration trajectories for asteroid candidates are computed场using parameters optimization algorithm directly. Furthermore, the prime vector theory is used to obtain the optimal exploration trajectories. This research can provide valuable proposals for future manned asteroid missions
  • Article
    WANG Datie, LI Ji, HUANG Xiangyu, ZHANG Honghua
    2014, 1(1): 44-51.
    The terrain uncertainty and hazard such as surface roughness and slope will threaten the safety of soft landing. A pinpoint autonomous navigation and hazard avoidance method for lunar soft landing is proposed in this paper,which is composed of the autonomous navigation algorithm based on range-velocity-updated inertial navigation, the algorithm of hazard detection and targeted landing site selection, the relative navigation algorithm to the targeted landing site, and the relative hazard avoidance control algorithm. The method can be used to reduce the risk of safe landing and has been successfully used in the Chang' e-3 soft landing mission.
  • Article
    HUANG Xiangyu, ZHANG Honghua, WANG Datie, LI Ji, GUAN Yifeng, WANG Pengji
    2014, 1(1): 52-59.
    Chang' e-3 implemented its soft landing on the moon which is the first time for a Chinese spacecraft to conduct soft landing on an extraterrestrial body. GNC is the key to achieve successful soft landing. For the desire of high safe and reliable soft landing, the soft landing flight program including rough-fine-relay hazard avoidance is designed, the autonomous navigation method based on single beam time-sharing correction and multi-beams fusion filter, and the self-adaption powered explicit guidance, the non-iteration polynomial large hazard avoidance guidance, the inner-outer-loop small hazard avoidance guidance are presented. The real flight result of Chang' e-3 shows integration that the high-precision states is estimated by navigation algorithm, the high-precision states control and effective hazard avoidance maneuver areimplemented by guidance algorithm to ensure the safety and reliability for lunar soft landing.
  • Article
    HE Jing, GONG Shengping, LI Junfeng
    2014, 1(1): 60-66.
    The effect of the initial velocity increment场escape energy on the time-optimal rendezvous problem by solar sailing is discussed. The effect of escape energy is considered as the inequality constraints on the functions of the state variables specified at the initial time, and an indirect method is used to obtain the two-point-boundary-value-problem(TPBVP) associated to the optimal control model. The results indicate that the optimal control model can be used for calculating the best escape energy usage,and the optimal trajectory is not always obtained by using the largest escape energy. Thus , a rational utilization of escape energy can shorten the transfer flight time. The model in this paper can effectively utilize the late stage rocket booster ability; and effectively shorten the solar sailing mission time as well.Therefore, it is practical and valuable for engineering application.
  • Article
    NI Yanshuo, BAOYIN Hexi, LI Junfeng
    2014, 1(1): 67-74.
    Orbital dynamics with solar gravity perturbation in the vicinity of the irregular asteroids is studied in this paper. The motions in the gravity fields of 216 HIeopatra and 433 Eros , and the periodic orbits around the asteroids with perturbation of solar gravitation are analyzed to find a new family of periodic orbits of 216 HIeopatra. It is also found that there are 12 families of periodic orbits as well as a bounded non-periodic orbit around 433 Eros , and their topology and stability are studied in some details. The results show that solar gravitation has little effects on the positions of asteroids equilibria in the body-fixed frame while has greater effects on the motions of a spacecraft on the equilibria. The solar gravitation is not strong enough to increase or decrease the families of periodic orbits, nor is it able to change the stabilities of periodic orbits. It is easier for orbits with larger Jacobi constant to keep their periodic characteristics under the solar perturbation that gave a new thread to explain why asteroids can have some satellites in far distance for a long time.
  • Article
    SHAO Wei, CHEN Haiyan, MENG Lin, YUE Yaobin, GAO Xizhen
    2014, 1(1): 75-80.
    A curve description and matching algorithm which utilizes the scale constant is presented for feature tracking and hazard recognition process in planetary landing. The way to form the curve descriptor which is constructed with the curve neighborhood gradients information is introduced. The robustness and the efficiency of our graph matching process is shown in rotation , scale , moderate viewpoint changes and light effects , without knowing the curve geometry or geometrical configuration between the curves. This algorithm can not only be used for edge curve feature tracking with low mismatching,but also effectively identify the craters , rocks and other hazardous or natural landmarks at different scales.