May 2022, Volume 5 Issue 5

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  • GENG Yan, ZHOU Jishi, LI Sha, FU Zhongliang, MENG Linzhi, LIU Jianjun, Wang Haipeng
    The first Mars Exploration in China was approved in 2016. First, the history of international Mars exploration is reviewed. Then the engineering and scientific goals, overall technical porposal, key technologies and prospective innovation results of Chinese Mars exploration are introduced. The first Mars Exploration in China will archive Martian orbiting, landing and patrol, and carry out global general survey and partial fine investigation by one launch mission, promoting the research of Mars landform and geological structure, soil characteristics and water-ice distribution, surface material composition, atomospheric ionosphere and climate enviroment, physical field and internal structure, etc. Facing various special environments for Mars exploration, it is necessary to make breakthrough of 8 key technologies such as long-term autonomous control and management, and etc.. Through the Mars Exploration, a series of innovative results will be achieved, a series of common core technologies will be mastered and the independent fundamental engineering system of deep space exploration will be established, and then the fundamental engineering ability will be formed to carry out deep space exploration.
  • LI Chunlai, LIU Jianjun, GENG Yan, CAO Jinbin, ZHANG Tielong, FANG Guangyou, YANG Jianfeng, SHU Rong, ZOU Yongliao, LIN Yangting, OUYANG Ziyuan
    China’s first Mars exploration mission will be implemented in 2020. Scientific objectives and payload configurations are one of the most important top-level designs for the mission. The main scientific objectives of the Mars exploration abroad are briefly reviewed. The scientific objectives and payload configurations of the first Chinese Mars exploration mission are introduced,and the innovation and characteristics of the scientific objectives are analyzed.
  • LIU Jianjun, SU Yan, ZUO Wei, REN Xin, KONG Deqing, WEN Weibin, ZHANG Hongbo, LI Chunlai
    China’s first Mars exploration mission(HX-1)is expected to launch Orbiter and Rover in 2020 to conduct a global and comprehensive exploration of Mars,and to carry out regional patrolling on the Mars surface. The Ground Research and Application System(GRAS)is one of the five systems of engineering system of the Mars exploration mission,which is mainly responsible for the scientific exploration plan formulation,payload operation management,data receiving,processing,interpretation and management,and organizing the application and research of the scientific data. Based on the analysis of similar systems and the difficulties of Mars exploration ground systems,the main tasks,technical indicators and overall layout of GRAS,and the main functions,composition and design of the subsystems are introduced.
  • HAO Wanhong, DONG Guangliang, LI Haitao, WANG Hong, FAN Min, ZHOU Huan, XU Dezhen
    In light of the entry descent and landing flight in Chinese Mars exploration mission,this paper has analyzed the difficulties of this mission phase based on the characteristics of Mars atmosphere and terrain. All the past soft landing missions on Mars have been reviewed and the potential reasons for mission failure have been summarized. The communication architecture in Mars Science Laboratory has been introduced to illustrate all the potential communication methods. The key technologies include communication strategies for blackout,selection of signal modulation and high dynamic signal detection at low SNR. Finally,suggestions have been proposed for the implementation of EDL flight in Chinese Mars Exploration missions.
  • LIU Qinghui
    China will launch the first Mars probe composed of an orbiter and a rover in 2020. The tracking and precise orbit determination of the Mars probe is the basis for completing engineering tasks and scientific exploration. At present, three methods, ranging, Doppler measurement and VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) angle measurement based on terrestrial radio measurement, are mainly used in the tracking and orbit determination of the Mars probe. In this paper, the application of differential VLBI technology is introduced, the Mars probe VLBI technology and orbit determination errors based on VLBI and Doppler/ranging measurement in the arc segment of Martian orbit insertion are analyzed, the positioning analysis of rover based on the same-beam VLBI and the Mars probe VLBI observation are presented. The results are of great application value to the orbit determination of Mars probe in China.
  • YANG Jiasen, LIU Mingjie, CHEN Tuo, ZHI Jia, ZHANG Huawei, WANG Wei, CHEN Zhimin
    Test matrix of payload subsystem for first Mars exploration Mission in China and technical requirements of integrated testing system are introduced. In view of requirements of testing tasks for 2 spacecraft and 5 testing scenes,3 layers of unified architecture composed of interface adaptation,business processing and data management are designed,which helps testing system achieve the adaption of external interface and functions for different testing scenes. According to payload scientific data processing and transmission mechanism on orbit,scientific data processing flow is designed for the testing system,which meets different requirements for 13 kinds of payloads. According to the high dimension characteristics of 1 900 dimension engineering telemetry parameters and 400 data injection instructions,the software based on rules for automatic data discrimination is designed,which makes all parameters and data injection instructions can be checked intelligently. The task execution results show that the system meets the needs of payload testing tasks under different modes,and effectively ensures the smooth implementation of payload test tasks.
  • SHU Rong, XU Weiming, FU Zhongliang, WAN Xiong, YUAN Rujun
    The detection of material composition is a key technology in deep space exploration. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is a non-contact and rapid method to acquire element information of the material. This paper aims at the detection of the Mars surface in China's first Mars exploration mission in 2020. The basic principle of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,and the development status and trends of this technology is introduce firstly. Then the Martian environment and the survivability of the payloads under the harsh environment are analyzed. Finally,the data inversion and quantitative analysis technologies of LIBS are discussed.
  • MENG Qingyu, FU Zhongliang, DONG Jihong, WANG Dong
    In this paper,the optical system design of the high-resolution visible spectral camera for China first Mars exploration mission is planned. Firstly,the scientific meaning and the development trend of the Mars high-resolution camera is proposed. And then,by analyzing the application advantages of various optical systems,the Off-axis Cook system is selected to apply for the China Mars high-resolution camera. Besides,the aspherical mirror testing plan is proposed. By using the optical system,the optical system can guarantee the high-resolution camera reach the international advanced level.
  • GUAN Zhao, QIAO Weidong, YANG Jianfeng, XUE Bin, TAO Jinyou
    With the rapid development of aerospace technology, as the near neighbor of the Earth, the Mars has become the main research target of the leading space power in the world. To complete the Mars patrolling area topography and geological exploration missions, true color images with high resolution obtained by multispectral cameras can be used directly as observations. In order to find the landing point, the Mars multispectral camera should possess the mapping function with precise positions, so it is necessary to conduct the geometric calibration for measuring intrinsic elements. The Zhang Zhengyou calibration algorithm is used to provide initial values, and then combined with the improved Heikkilä algorithm in this paper. After analyzing the uncertainty of the calibration results, and finding out the source of experimental errors, an improved method for calibration parameters is proposed to meet the requiremens, which lays a solid foundation for 3D reconstruction and other fields of computer vision.
  • ZHAO Lin, DU Aimin, QIAO Donghai, SUN Shuquan, ZHANG Ying, OU Jiaming, GUO Zhifang, LI Zhi, FENG Xiao, GU Shaoran, LI Feng
    Martian magnetic field measurement is one of the focuses of international Mars exploration mission. China’s first Mars magnetic measurement mission would carry magnetometers on the rover and the orbiter to achieve joint observation of the surface magnetic field and the spatial magnetic field. Dual tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer would be carried on the rover,which adopts Helmholtz compensation coil probe technology and all digital closed-loop feedback circuit technology to realize high precision same-point measurement of space magnetic field. Reliability, safety and space environment adaptability of the instrument are well considered in the design. According to ground calibration, the range of the ROVER fluxgate magnetometer is ±65 000 nT,the noise level is 0.01 nT/√Hz,and the resolution achieves 0.01 nT.
  • FAN Mingyi, LV Peng
    The subsurface sounding radar on Planet orbiter can detect the subsurface structure of the Planet surface with a high resolution, providing scientific data to the research on the Planet geologic structure. because of the far distence between the planet and the earth,huge qnantity of raw data cann't be transformed back to our own planet,so it's very important to process the radar return onboard the orbiter and only transform backto us far less quantity processing results.The detail analysis and engineering implement method of the Real-time backproject algorithm Processing technology for subsurface sounding radar on Planet orbiter is proposed.
  • SHEN Zhichun, LIN Xiaoyan, CHENG Kun, WANG Haipeng
    The shock test and analysis of the equipment in the Mars probe for the large shock response generated by separation of the probe and the Long March 5 launch vehicle is discussed. The reliability of the equipment is analysized after shock test. The Strength-Stress model is proposed to judge if the reliability is affected. The half-sine wave impulse shock condition of components offered by the manufacturers is known as Strength, and the half-sine wave converted by the shock response spectrum of the equipment is known as Stress. The two values are compared. This method can be regarded as an assisting methodto judge the reliability of the equipment after shock test, and also can be regarded as the criteria of shock resistance of the equipment.
  • GUO Dijun, LIU Jianzhong, HEAD W. James, LI Shuai, POTTER W. K. Ross, LIN Honglei
    The pre-Necterian lunar Apollo impact basin,located inside ancient South Pole-Aitken(SPA)basin,strides the SPA transient cavity and rim. SPA basin is the confirmed largest and oldest basin of the Moon,so the Apollo basin has irreplaceable role in understanding the lunar interior structure and compositions,the local geological processes and the evolutional history of the Moon. The crustal structure of Apollo region is dramatically asymmetric. It's thickening close to SPA rim and thinning close to SPA center,while the thinnest region is inside peak ring of Apollo basin. The absorption features on spectrum are different at different geologic units either. Exterior Apollo basin,the absorption center at locations close to SPA rim tends to be shorter as the Mg pyroxene,while the absorption center at locations close to SPA center tends to be longer as Ca pyroxene. Inside Apollo basin,the spectral features are varying with different spatial locations and geologic units. The maria show absorption feature of Ca pyroxene while the peak ring appears Mg pyroxene rich. The unique characteristics of Apollo basin such as the thinnest crust,the stratigraphic profile as large as 8 km elevation difference,maria erupted from lunar farside,the well-developed peak ring,make it the most valuable sample-return site.