Special Issue:Space Gravitational Wave Detection

Robust Optimal Design of Micro-thruster Group Layout for Space Gravitational Wave Detection Satellite

  • 1. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen 518107, China;
    2. AECC Aero Engine Control System Institute,Wuxi 214063, China

Received date: 23 Nov 2022

Revised date: 02 Apr 2023

Published date: 17 Oct 2023


Regarding the layout design of micro thrusters for space gravitational wave detection satellites, a feasibility analysis of the layout of micro-thrusters were first presented, and then a robust optimization design method for the layout of micro-thrusters for space gravitational wave detection satellites was proposed. To obtain the robust optimization design results of the micro-thruster group layout of the space gravitational wave detection satellite, taking the condition number of the configuration matrix as evaluation standard, the thruster configuration with the strongest robustness to the configuration error was optimized through numerical simulation. The proposed method was applied to the layout design of micro-thrusters for space gravitational wave detection satellites. Simulation results show that it can improve the robustness of the layout scheme of micro-thrusters.

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WANG Jihe, YU Zhenning . Robust Optimal Design of Micro-thruster Group Layout for Space Gravitational Wave Detection Satellite[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023 , 10(3) : 303 -309 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20220104


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