Special Issue:Space Gravitational Wave Detection

Progress and Prospect of the Lunar-Based Gravitational-Wave Detection

  • 1. Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity,Beijing 100094,China;
    2. School of Physical Science and Technology,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000,China;
    3. DFH Satellite Co., Ltd.,Beijing 100094,China;
    4. Institute of Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;
    5. Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,China;
    6. Shanxi University,Taiyuan 237016,China;
    7. Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200083,China;
    8. Beijing Azspace Technology Co., Ltd,Beijing 100190,China

Received date: 09 Dec 2022

Revised date: 15 May 2023

Published date: 17 Oct 2023


To observe the frequency in the range of 0.1 Hz to 5 Hz in lunar-based gravitational-wave detection and improve the sensitivity of gravitational-wave detection, a method of lunar-based gravitational-wave detection was proposed. Based on a brief introduction to the mathematical description and properties of gravitational waves, this paper gave a brief introduction to existing gravitational-wave detectors and compared the lunar-based observatories with the space and Earth-based detectors. Lunar-based detectors that have been proposed, such as Gravitational-wave Lunar Observatories for Cosmology (GLOC), Lunar Gravitational-Wave Antenna (LGWA), etc., are briefly introduced. The critical technique is also discussed and alternative solutions are given. The possible main noise sources and corresponding impact magnitudes for lunar-based gravitational wave detection were discussed. Also, the future development of the lunar-based gravitational wave detection is prospected.

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WU Kailan, LIN Xuling, ZHENG Yongchao, LI Ming, BIAN Xing, WANG Yunyong, HUO Hongqing, NIU Jiashu, JIA Jianjun, ZHANG Xiaomin . Progress and Prospect of the Lunar-Based Gravitational-Wave Detection[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023 , 10(3) : 247 -256 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20220110


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