Aiming at the control difficulties in the recover phase of a vertical landing of returning rocket, such as static unstable shape, elastic deformation of large slenderness ratio arrow body, liquid storage phenomenon for zero-pole, large interference of sudden change of aerodynamic shape during the deployment of landing, large-scale attitude adjustment, etc. Requirements and constraints of the critical vertical landing phase on the control system are analyzed comprehensively in this paper. Moreover, a high-precision attitude control scheme for vertical landing phase is put forward, that include parametric optimization design for large static instability and slosh-polar zero structure, nonlinear smooth gain scheduling, and high precision attitude control algorithm based on ESO. Simulations show that the design requirements can be accomplished by schemes proposed.
YI Xin, PAN Hao, HUANG Cong, HU Haifeng, ZHAO Haibin
. High Precision Attitude Control Technology of Vertical Landing Returning Rocket[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022
, 9(5)
: 492
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20210116
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