For the mission of extraterrestrial subsurface boring exploration, the basic principles, implementation schemes and typical cases of the scientific targets investigations such as heat flow and mechanical properties of the regolith profile were studied and analyzed. The significance of the exploration was clarified, therefore the expanding scheme for the regolith sampling of China's 3rd lunar exploration mission and research plan in advance of extraterrestrial subsurface boring exploration were further proposed. Besides, the basic principles and application prospects were analyzed for the creepy-boring scheme and the impact type penetrating scheme.
JIANG Shengyuan, PIAO Songjie, ZHANG Weiwei, SHEN Yi, HOU Xuyan, QUAN Qiquan, DENG Zongquan
. Typical Cases Analysis and Prospects for Extraterrestrial Subsurface Boring Exploration[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2016
, 3(1)
: 68
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2016.01.011
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