In this paper a new navigation method is proposed, which is based on using red shift to measure speed and using star sensor to measure angle. Compared with the existing autonomous navigation methods, this method does not rely on radio message and complicated orbital dynamics model. It has the advantage of highly independent, easy to implement and without time delay. By using this method, the differential error caused by measuring angle method and the integral error caused by measuring speed method can be eliminated, then make precise astronomical autonomous navigation come true to meet the basis of deep space requirements for autonomous navigation, real-time and high precision. Firstly, the orbit dynamics model and the measurement model are established. Secondly, due to the nonlinear characteristics of the model, EKF is used to complete the autonomous navigation for Mars probe. Finally, a numerical example is established to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach and by analyzing, it can find that this method satisfies the requirement of navigation precision of cruise phase.
LIU Ruixia, ZHANG Jianqiao
. Research on Autonomous Navigation Algorithms for the Mars Probe via Speed and Angle Measurement Sensors[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2016
, 3(3)
: 219
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2016.03.004
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