To study the reliability of radioisotope heat source in the high temperature-impact composite environment, a high temperature-impact composite environment test system is developed. The main parts of this design are temperature loading system, impact test system, thermal shield system and computer information collection system. The proposed system can provide heating temperature of 500 ℃. The simulated samples of the isotope heat source were tested at 500 ℃ andhigh temperature-impact composite environmental tests are performed for 5000 times. The response temperature rise response curve and impact waveforms are obtained. The results show that this system can accomplish high temperature-impact composite environment test successfully.
LU Liang, HU Yupeng, OUYANG Zhijiang, XIANG Yanhua, HUANG Hanjun, LI Sizhong
. High Temperature-Impact Composite Environmental Test on Radioisotope Heat Source[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2017
, 4(5)
: 466
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2017.05.007
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