The Research of Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Microwave Brightness Temperature in Chang’E-4 Landing Area Based on Field Theory

  • 1. Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China;
    2. The National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012,China;
    3. Jilin University,Changchun 130021,China

Received date: 14 Nov 2017

Revised date: 19 Dec 2017


Chang’e-4 (CE-4) probe will achieve the first soft landing on the farside of the moon in the history of mankind, and the landing zone is tentatively fixed in the Von Karman impact crater which is in the South Pole-Aitken basin. In view of the lack of field analysis of microwave radiation brightness temperature, analyzed the brightness temperature’s temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of Von Karman impact crater was analyzed based on the field and the penetrability of Chang’e Microwave radiometer. The results show that there is a significant couple mode between 3GHz diurnal brightness temperature field and 37GHz diurnal brightness temperature field, ,and the trend of brightness temperature appeared consistent in the crater. It also turns out that the area with high FeO+TiO2 (FTA) content has a higher relativity , which is the key area of brightness temperature change. Nevertheless, the FTA content does not have significant impact on the density of contours. Contrarily, the density of contours is mainly influenced by the roughness of the moon’s surface. Finally, the research provided a reference for the choice of landing zone of CE-4 probe by analyzing the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of brightness temperature, stratigraphic unit, chemical constituents of substance and other factors in Von Karman impact crater.

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LIAN Yi, HE Long, MENG Zhiguo, PING Jingsong, HU Shuo, ZENG Xiaoming . The Research of Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Microwave Brightness Temperature in Chang’E-4 Landing Area Based on Field Theory[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2018 , 5(1) : 27 -33 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2018.01.004


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