According to the requirements of multi-load data scheduling,storage multiplexing,storage management and high reliability of lunar exploration project,a management scheme of large-capacity data multiplexing storage module based on NAND Flash chip is designed. Axcelerator series anti-fuse FPGA chip with anti-radiation characteristics is used as the main control chip for scheduling management and storage control of multi-channel load data,and large-capacity NAND Flash chip is used for storage management of multiple loads and on-board telemetry,which realizes the functions of data recording,data management and data playback for multiple data sources as required. The practice results show that the requirements of data multiplexing,storage and playback for deep space exploration can be realized through data transmission frame coding and variable rate playback,which provides reference for the high-speed data downloading for subsequent deep space exploration.
LIU Pan, WANG Zhiguo, LIU Jianfeng, MIN Kanglei, YOU Hongjun
. A Payload Data Storage and Management Method for Chang’E-5[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021
, 8(3)
: 299
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20210001
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