Parachute is an important way for a Mars rover to decelerate. As the application conditions of Mars parachutes are very different from those of conventional parachutes. In this article, the environmental and mechanical conditions experienced by Tianwen-1 Mars parachute were analyzed, and by combining the successful landings of Mars parachutes abroad and the development of textile materials, the application of Mars parachute materials was introduced. Then, the weight characteristics of the new Mars parachute material and the influence of humidity on the parachute mass were analyzed. Finally, through parachute materials’ mechanical experiments with high and low temperature environments, high-density packaging, and long-term on-orbit storage conditions, the strength change parameters of the Mars parachute material on Tianwen-1 were obtained. The results indicate that the strength of the parachute material can still meet the working requirements of Mars after experiencing various environmental conditions. This article can provide a reference for the design of parachute materials in subsequent deep space explorations.
HUANG Mingxing, GAO Shuyi, WANG Liwu, WANG Wenqiang, LI Jian
. Performance Analysis and Experimental Study of Tianwen-1 Parachute Material[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021
, 8(5)
: 478
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20210025
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