A comprehensive review on the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of ACACIA ARABICA

Amit Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Mukesh Kr Singh, Sunil Kumar Tiwari

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Intelligent Pharmacy ›› 2024, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (5) : 729-736. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipha.2024.01.008
Review article

A comprehensive review on the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of ACACIA ARABICA

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Since the dawn of time, people have used herbal medications to both prevent and treat a variety of illnesses. Numerous illnesses, including diabetes, skin conditions, and most seriously cancer, have been claimed to be successfully treated by Acacia Arabica. According to Indian traditional medicine, the fresh sections of Acacia Arabica have beneficial nutritional properties as well as astringent, demulcent, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, antibacterial, and antidiarrheal properties. The ethnobotanical and therapeutic benefits of Acacia Arabica are briefly reviewed in this article along with information about the plants. This is an attempt to gather and record data regarding many facets of Acacia Arabica and its prospective applications. Before using Acacia Arabica’s therapeutic potential, more research is required.


Acacia Arabica / Phytochemistry / Pharmacological activities / Medicinal uses

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Amit Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Mukesh Kr Singh, Sunil Kumar Tiwari. A comprehensive review on the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of ACACIA ARABICA. Intelligent Pharmacy, 2024, 2(5): 729‒736 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipha.2024.01.008


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