Role of IOT in healthcare: Applications, security & privacy concerns
Akshay Parihar, Jigna B. Prajapati, Bhupendra G. Prajapati, Binti Trambadiya, Arti Thakkar, Pinalkumar Engineer
Role of IOT in healthcare: Applications, security & privacy concerns
Employing the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare provides many advantages for patient monitoring and analysis of the patient’s health with the help of generated data. The basic role of IoT in healthcare is to ease the patient’s life by giving them a monitor over their medical condition. The use of IoT in medical devices requires a focus on the end-user. Medical devices such as glucose meters are designed to record the data of the patient and their vital signs. The generated information can be used to enhance decision-making for the physician. The collected information about the patient can be at risk due to certain security issues during the transferring of information can compromise the identity and social life of the patient. This review explores the IoT regarding its structural requirement and its role in various fields with special emphasis on healthcare. The security and privacy issues than can hinder the utilization of IoT at its potential and ways to overcome these issues are being addressed.
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