Comparative evaluation of carvedilol and pitavastatin for antihyperlipidemic activity in tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats
Md. Akbar, Hasan Ali, Md. Azizur Rahman
Intelligent Pharmacy ›› 2024, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2) : 226-231.
Comparative evaluation of carvedilol and pitavastatin for antihyperlipidemic activity in tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats
Aim of the study was designed to investigate the antihyperlipidemic activity of carvedilol and pitavastatin in tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats. The rats were randomly divided into 6 groups. The vehicle control group-I received 2 mL of normal saline for eight days. The pathological control group-II received tyloxapol (400 mg/kg) on 8th day. The treated group-III received 10 mg/kg carvedilol and group-IV received 20 mg/kg carvedilol for eight days and tyloxapol (400 mg/kg) on the 8th day. The group-V received pitavastatin (0.3 mg/ kg) for eight days and tyloxapol (400 mg/kg) on the 8th day. The group-VI received carvedilol (20 mg/kg) only for eight days. After eight days of treatment, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, very lowdensity lipoprotein, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and glutathione were estimated in the serum and myocardial tissues along with DNA fragmentation of the liver tissue using gel-electrophoresis. Oral administration of carvedilol to tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemic rats normalized the changes in the above parameters in a dose dependent manner. Hence, carvedilol with pitavastatin has antihyperlipidemic activity in tyloxapol-induced hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats.
Carvedilol / Pitavastatin / Triton WR-1339 / Tyloxapol / DNA damage / Oxidative stress
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