The olfactory system of Pieris brassicae caterpillars: from receptors to glomeruli
Qi Wang, Hans M. Smid, Marcel Dicke, Alexander Haverkamp
The olfactory system of Pieris brassicae caterpillars: from receptors to glomeruli
The olfactory system of adult lepidopterans is among the best described neuronal circuits. However, comparatively little is known about the organization of the olfactory system in the larval stage of these insects. Here, we explore the expression of olfactory receptors and the organization of olfactory sensory neurons in caterpillars of Pieris brassicae, a significant pest species in Europe and a well-studied species for its chemical ecology. To describe the larval olfactory system in this species, we first analyzed the head transcriptome of third-instar larvae (L3) and identified 16 odorant receptors (ORs) including the OR coreceptor (Orco), 13 ionotropic receptors (IRs), and 8 gustatory receptors (GRs). We then quantified the expression of these 16 ORs in different life stages, using qPCR, and found that the majority of ORs had significantly higher expression in the L4 stage than in the L3 and L5 stages, indicating that the larval olfactory system is not static throughout caterpillar development. Using an Orco-specific antibody, we identified all olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) expressing the Orco protein in L3, L4, and L5 caterpillars and found a total of 34 Orco-positive ORNs, distributed among three sensilla on the antenna. The number of Orco-positive ORNs did not differ among the three larval instars. Finally, we used retrograde axon tracing of the antennal nerve and identified a mean of 15 glomeruli in the larval antennal center (LAC), suggesting that the caterpillar olfactory system follows a similar design as the adult olfactory system, although with a lower numerical redundancy. Taken together, our results provide a detailed analysis of the larval olfactory neurons in P. brassicae, highlighting both the differences as well as the commonalities with the adult olfactory system. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the development of the olfactory system in insects and its life-stage-specific adaptations.
glomeruli / larvae / Lepidoptera / odorant receptor / olfactory receptor neurons / sensilla
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