Exposure to sublethal concentration of flupyradifurone alters sexual behavior and cuticular hydrocarbon profile in Heriades truncorum, an oligolectic solitary bee

Samuel Boff, Manfred Ayasse

Insect Science ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3) : 859-869. DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.13268

Exposure to sublethal concentration of flupyradifurone alters sexual behavior and cuticular hydrocarbon profile in Heriades truncorum, an oligolectic solitary bee

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The aboveground oligolectic bee, Heriades truncorum, is a particularly good model for studying the impact of pesticides on sexual communication, since some aspects of its mating behavior have previously been described. We have tested (1) the interference of the pesticide flupyradifurone on male precopulatory behavior and male mating partner preferences, (2) the way that the pesticide interferes in male quality assessment by the female, and (3) the effects of the pesticide on the chemical compounds in the female cuticle. We exposed bees of both sexes to a sublethal concentration of flupyradifurone. Various behaviors were registered in a mating arena with two females (one unexposed and one exposed) and one male (either unexposed or exposed). Unexposed males were quicker to attempt to mate. Treatment also impacted precopulatory behavior and male quality assessment by females. Males approached unexposed females more quickly than insecticide-exposed ones. Females exposed to insecticide produced lower amounts of some cuticular hydrocarbons (sex pheromone candidates) and appeared less choosy than unexposed females. Our findings suggest that insecticide exposure affects sexual communication, playing a role both in male preference and in male quality assessment by the female.


courtship display / female choice / flupyradifurone / male partner preference / sex communication / sublethal effects

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Samuel Boff, Manfred Ayasse. Exposure to sublethal concentration of flupyradifurone alters sexual behavior and cuticular hydrocarbon profile in Heriades truncorum, an oligolectic solitary bee. Insect Science, 2024, 31(3): 859‒869 https://doi.org/10.1111/1744-7917.13268


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2023 2023 The Authors. Insect Science published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.




