Pollen analysis reveals the effects of uncovered interactions, pollen-carrying structures, and pollinator sex on the structure of wild bee–plant networks
Clément Tourbez, Carmelo Gómez-Martínez, Miguel Ángel González-Estévez, Amparo Lázaro
Pollen analysis reveals the effects of uncovered interactions, pollen-carrying structures, and pollinator sex on the structure of wild bee–plant networks
Pollination networks are increasingly used to model the complexity of interactions between pollinators and flowering plants in communities. Different methods exist to sample these interactions, with direct observations of plant–pollinator contacts in the field being by far the most common. Although the identification of pollen carried by pollinators allows uncovering interactions and increasing sample sizes, the methods used to build pollen-transport networks are variable and their effect on network structure remains unclear. To understand how interaction sampling influences the structure of networks, we analyzed the pollen found on wild bees from eight communities across Mallorca Island and investigated the differences in pollen loads between bee body parts (scopa vs. body) and sexes. We then assessed how these differences, as well as the uncovered interactions not detected in the field, influenced the structure of wild bee–plant networks. We identified a higher quantity and diversity of pollen in the scopa than in the rest of the female body, but these differences did not lead to differences in structure between plant-pollination (excluding scopa pollen) and bee-feeding interaction (including scopa pollen) networks. However, networks built with pollen data were richer in plant species and interactions and showed lower modularity and specialization (H2'), and higher nestedness than visitation networks based on field observations. Female interactions with plants were stronger compared to those of males, although not richer. Accordingly, females were more generalist (low d’) and tended to be more central in interaction networks, indicating their more key role structuring pollination networks in comparison to males. Our study highlights the importance of palynological data to increase the resolution of networks, as well as to understand important ecological questions such as the differences between plant-pollination and bee-feeding interaction networks, and the role of sexes in pollination.
palynology / pollen-transport networks / pollination / role of bee sexes / sampling methodology / visitation networks
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