Foraging valor linked with aggression: selection against completely abandoning aggression in the high-elevation ant Tetramorium alpestre?
Marie-Luise Contala, Patrick Krapf, Florian M. Steiner, Birgit C. Schlick-Steiner
Foraging valor linked with aggression: selection against completely abandoning aggression in the high-elevation ant Tetramorium alpestre?
Aggression has multiple benefits and is often coupled with other behaviors (“behavioral syndromes”). The level of aggressiveness is influenced by an adaptive benefit–cost ratio suggesting that benefits should outweigh the costs of aggression. Here, we assess if several behaviors are coupled in two behaviorally different populations (aggressive, peaceful) of the high-elevation ant Tetramorium alpestre. For three weeks, we collected colony fragments and analyzed boldness, exploring, foraging, and risk-taking behaviors. We hypothesized that the aggressive population is bolder, more explorative and risk-prone, and forages more food than the peaceful population. To test whether (a) the combination of experiments and parameters used yields a good setup, (b) populations differ behaviorally, and (c) populations display behavioral syndromes, we assessed (a) the frequency of repeatable behaviors of each experiment, (b) the behavioral means among populations, and (c) the behavioral repeatability, respectively. We found that (a) boldness and exploring were most repeatable and represent a good experimental setup, (b) the aggressive population was bolder and more explorative and risk-prone than the peaceful population, (c) boldness and exploring behaviors were highly repeatable in both populations, thus corroborating our hypothesis. The results suggest that boldness, exploring, and risk-taking but not foraging are presumably coupled with aggression and indicate the presence of behavioral syndromes in this ant. Under specific ecological conditions, aggression may be coupled with other behaviors and important for finding food. Aggression is probably adaptive in T. alpestre, possibly indicating that selection favors aggression at least partially, which may counteract the complete loss of intraspecific aggression.
adaptive value / behavioral syndromes / boldness / exploration / repeatability / trade-off
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