Climate Change and Health Within the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges
Yasna Palmeiro-Silva, Felipe Rivera, Stella Hartinger
Climate Change and Health Within the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Opportunities and Challenges
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR) is at its 10th anniversary amidst a rapidly changing climate, which, together with social vulnerabilities, have led to significant impacts on human health and well-being. In the climate change and health field, the term “climate-related health risks” is often used while the term “health disaster” is less common. This article identifies opportunities and challenges that the SFDRR presents for the intersection between climate change and health. The SFDRR, through disaster risk reduction for climate change and health, complements international health- and climate change-related agendas. It expands the perspective of climate change and health beyond the classical health sphere by highlighting the importance of addressing the underlying drivers of disaster risk, most of them related to social vulnerabilities. Additionally, strong governance and leadership from the health sector might foster the integration of health-centered perspectives into climate change policies. However, the SFDRR faces challenges due to differential capacities among countries, which limit effective implementation. The role of politics, power, and diverse interests needs to be recognized in disaster-related decision-making processes, as well as the many barriers for global and systematic disaster-related data structures that limit a comprehensive understanding of disaster risk. The 10th anniversary of the SFDRR represents an opportunity to reflect on the many opportunities that it represents and on the challenges that need to be addressed. By looking for synergies among diverse agendas, initiatives, and collaborations, the SFDRR sheds some light on protecting people’s health and well-being.
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