A Methodology for Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Heritage in Extreme Climate Changes
Riccardo Cacciotti, Alessandro Sardella, Miloš Drdácký, Alessandra Bonazza
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ›› 2024, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3) : 404-420.
A Methodology for Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Heritage in Extreme Climate Changes
Vulnerability evaluation plays a key role in risk assessment and reduction and is essential for defining strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. In dealing with the safeguarding of cultural heritage at risk, we are still far from adopting and applying an agreed methodology for vulnerability assessment. With the aim to support practitioners, heritage managers, and policy and decision makers to undertake actions that address the protection of cultural heritage at risk, the methodology set up in the framework of the Interreg Central Europe STRENCH is illustrated and discussed here. Based on three major requirements (susceptibility, exposure, and resilience) and a continuous consultation with local stakeholders, the proposed methodology is applicable for evaluating the vulnerability of built heritage and cultural landscape exposed to hydrometeorological hazards, such as heavy rains, floods, and droughts. The results obtained through its validation on 15 case studies from seven Central European regions are shown to underline the strengths and limitations of the methodological approach. Iterative consultation with local stakeholders was fundamental for the definition of the criteria/subcriteria and related values for the assessment of the requirements. Application to further sites in other contexts would surely contribute to strengthening the reliability of the methodological approach.
Built and natural heritage / Exposure / Heritage vulnerability / Resilience / Risk management / Susceptibility
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