
International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics (IJMSD) is an open-access journal that aims to systematically reveal the vital effect of mechanical system dynamics on the whole lifecycle of modern industrial equipment. The mechanical systems may vary in different scales and are integrated with electronic, electrical, optical, thermal, magnetic, acoustic, aero, fluidic systems, etc. The journal welcomes research and review articles on dynamics concerning advanced theory, modeling, computation, analysis, software, design, control, manufacturing, testing, and evaluation of general mechanical systems.

The editorial board of IJMSD consists of 69 internationally renowned experts coming from 18 countries, including 21 members of the National Academy of Science or National Academy of Engineering of eight countries, 20 Editors-in-Chief of other international peer-reviewed journals in the related fields, and 17 (in-position or former) presidents/chairmen of international academic societies. Visit the ‘Editorial Board’ page for the full list of IJMSD editorial board members.

ISSN: 2767-1402 (online).

Pubdate: 2024-07-09    Viewed: 181