Beginning with the promotion of morality in Confucianism, a Neo-Confucian movement in modern Chinese philosophy was initiated, in which Confucianism underwent a transition from tradition to modernity. However, Moral Confucianism did not successfully develop the new kingliness without from its sageliness within, respond to modernization marked by science and democracy, and provide moral impetus for the development of a modern Chinese society or appeal to many beyond the small circle of elite Confucianists. The fundamental reason is that it was caught in a web of moral idealism, overemphasizing what ought to be without confronting what actually was.
SONG Zhiming
. Achievements, predicaments and trend of Moral Confucianism[J]. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2007
, 2(4)
: 503
DOI: 10.1007/s11466-007-0032-0