Aquinas’ transcendences to Aristotle in the doctrine of essence

  • School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Published date: 05 Dec 2007


Aquinas’ philosophy is revolutionary, especially his doctrine of essence within the context of natural philosophy has transcended that of Aristotle. The principal distinctions between the doctrines of Aquinas and Aristotle are demonstrated in four layers which are entity-nature, compositeness, particularity and potentiality of essence. Aquinas not only overturns and reforms the Western traditional view of essence, but also constructs a prominent joint  connecting essentialism to existentialism in Western philosophy.

Cite this article

DUAN Dezhi . Aquinas’ transcendences to Aristotle in the doctrine of essence[J]. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2007 , 2(4) : 572 -582 . DOI: 10.1007/s11466-007-0037-8

